Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 29, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

"Hachi the Intense" is the nickname that occurs to me after I look through photos of him doing recalls outside. Really look at his face and focus on his eyes in the next photo.
That look was in response to a simple call of "Hachi Come" from me. When I see that, I feel like Hachi can conquer anything!

If his sister is beating him in a recall, his insanity takes another leap.  Here she is, out in front in a hail of snow.

And here is Hachi's look as he tried to REALLy accelerate!

You might notice a rectangular thing on Shyla's collar. It is a very cool device that lets me track her down. I've mentioned in the past that Shyla likes to run into the forest and hide when strangers come along on a trail. I always feared that she might run too far one time, and I found her a "Marco Polo" radio collar. It emits a radio signal that the tracker that I carry with me can locate. The best feature of it is that it works even when we're outside cell phone coverage (a lot of the time around here).

Back to Hachi - any dog who tries *that* hard is a winner in my book!


  1. you found the best nickname for Hachi!!! we ponder about such a tracker collar too, but by now we couldn't find one what really fits to our needs ...

  2. I went through the slide show THREE times. I love both dogs and how hard they are trying. intense is a good word for Hachi…. the tracker collar is fantastic... and living where you live a necessary thinig to have...

  3. Love the pictures of you in motion, Hachi. It's quite clear that you want to WIN ☺ The radio collar is a great idea!

  4. Pure Excitement - Over With Joy - The Power Of Movement - Righteousness


  5. Hachi is so cute trying to beat his sister in the recall game. We bet one day he will be the fastest of them all.

  6. Awww, love your actions shots. Love these two and that first shot of Hachi made me laugh out loud.

    That tracker is and excellent idea.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a great day and week. My best to the pups. ♥

  7. anything to keep them safe! and the photos of the little puppy Hachi… my first belly laugh of the morning!
    XOXO it's that ear standing up that I love! LOL!

  8. What an amazing Hachi! The collar device is a great idea.

  9. That Hatchi sure has some funny facial expressions!

  10. Some time ago when Hugh and I were camping in a VERY remote area, I met some young men with their 3 dogs, the dogs all had trackers on, and one man had his smart phone that showed the tracks the dogs had taken. Grand safety collar for Hachi. Determination is in that first photo!!!

  11. Hachi sure does have a will to win. It should serve her well throughout her life.

  12. Hachi you crack me up. I love that first photo you are such a Goofy Guy and I love you for making me giggle.
    Ummmm do they make Marco Polo radio collars for husbands?
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. That radio collar is very cool, what an excellent idea. I love that Hachi gives it his all. It reminds me of our angel beagle Cricket who never did anything half way!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Hachi is toooo funny!!

    Great find for Shyla,I can imagine the peace of mind it must give you!

  15. That first photo is so funny! Hachi will be out in front soon, we think.

  16. Hachi is such a cool dude and that tag on Shyla's collar is very cool!

  17. Hachi works hard - we are thinking he wants to please you!!! That "Marco Polo" tracker is a great idea. We hope you don't have to use it ever, or at least infrequently.

  18. Wow,,, they are both "power horses", trying to see who has the most zest! Hachi is sooo intense!

  19. I am also working on recall with Ollie and it is proving a challenge. Perhaps it is easier when you have an older dog to teach the younger one?

  20. Hachi has some great eyes working in those pictures! It sounds like he's picking right up on the training.

  21. OMD, Hachi,you have the funniest expressions evers!!! I loves every single pic! Butts.....your sis will always win ~ why?? Gurls rule, Boyz drool! BOL!!! ☺
    Ruby ♥


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