Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thankful Thursday -- For our Mountain World

I am thankful that I live in a place with such a glorious playground outside my door. Coming home from a place as beautiful as the Utah desert would be very hard if I didn't love it here so much. I still have more Utah fun to share but I wanted to celebrate our mountain world today.

Shyla loves to hide on Hug Hill and then leap up to run to me. It makes me laugh! She does it near the start of almost every bike ride.
After we play on Hug Hill, we head for a big aspen grove where the bird watching fascinates me at this time of year. Many birds of many species are vying for nesting holes inside our groves of big old aspen trees.

Tree swallows dominate the aspen groves. They've paired up. The same pairs sit on the same perches day after day when they're not building nests inside nest holes.

The pairs are fighting for the prime nesting holes, doing incredible acrobatics in the air. This confrontation was between one of the birds in the photo above and an invader.
I will be telling more stories from these aspen groves because I've seen so much beauty as I've gazed at the birds above me.

I am so thankful that I live in a place that makes me smile so much. I love it most of all in the spring!!!

Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. We always love seeing the beauty that surrounds you and are so jealous...well, except when there's snow! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. What a great action shot you got of those birdies. Miss Shyla is so cute the way she springs from her hiding spot.

  3. You do live in a beautiful place. I remember driving through Utah and thinking how beautiful it was. I sure do enjoy your photographs.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. Shyla OMDs what a fantastic routine you have. You are a Funny Girl.
    The tree swallows have very pretty coloring. Not sure we have them in the population of our backyard.
    But we do have confrontations. Just the other day male cardinal was on the feeder. A red bellied woodpecker came up to the other side. The cardinal Woody a tongue lashing about trespassing...I just knew Woody would win since his has the advantage with that beak. Mr. Cardinal won.
    Your camping and permanent homes are both in the most beautiful areas.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We would love to live in the mountains. Mom wants to take a trip to a nose work trial out in CO with us one of these days. As for Utah, Mom doesn't like it at all. She says it is fun to see once as it is interesting, but rock doesn't do it for her. She prefers green. I guess she lived in Tucson in college and wasn't into that landscape either. We'll be the ones in the woods if you need us, LOL!

  6. That is some beautiful land. Dad went through Utah on his motorcycle years ago and really loved it. Having a mountain to play on is the best

  7. I didn't know you were in Utah - I grew up there, it is such a beautiful place. Have fun and stay happy all!

  8. Those beautiful feather colours, and hiding then leaping, Shyla is really at home in those open spaces. You do live in such a stunning place.

  9. We see you peeking, Shyla☺ We have seen barn swallows and purple martins but never tree swallows. They're sure pretty!

  10. You have so much natural beauty in your part of the world it is easy to understand why you love it so much. The swallows are very beautiful.

  11. Hari om
    Every moment a gem... YAM xx

  12. Amazing pictures, especially of the birds.

  13. You live among such beauty!

  14. We really like Utah too...but nothing beats the Rocky Mountains in Springtime!

  15. How beautiful! Springtime in the Rockies is a wondrous time of year.

  16. You live in such a beautiful place!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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