Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thankful Thursday

The crazy and stormy weather here has put me under the weather. My migraines are back... after a 5 month break. Their return is probably due to the drop in barometric pressure with each incoming storm. I am disappointed because I thought that maybe they were gone forever during their hiatus.

I don't have it badly compared to the birds who need to find bugs to eat. Most of our bug-eating birds flee to lower elevation when it's cold like this - but not the tough Mountain Bluebirds. I sure hope that they are finding enough to eat. They are so beautiful.

The hummingbirds have it a bit easier than our other summer birds. Somehow, many flowers are surviving. And, all of us humans are keeping our hummingbird feeders fully stocked. I have a horde of hummers following me when I refill the feeder.

Every now and then, the sun comes out - and I am so thankful when it does. Our puppy is stir-crazy and still chases his tail. I love seeing him silhouetted in sun puddles.

But this is my favorite part of the sun coming out. I love seeing these two snuggle together soaking up the warmth of the sun.
This week, more than anything, I am thankful for how patient our Labraduo is with Hachi. I am also thankful that Shyla is feeling able to overcome her fears and be Hachi's friend.

Thanks to our friend Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. Gr8 Photos As Always And Bummer On The Migraines - Stay Strong


  2. I love the tail chasing phot... it has something so special!!

  3. Shyla & Hachi snoozing together
    we love it, wish my 2 would do that.
    I hope your Migraines reside for good.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  4. Nothing is more beautiful that seeing a colorful spring flower surrounded by the pure white snow! Migraines hurt. I hope they go away soon for you, KB.

  5. We are sure happy to see Hachi and Shyla enjoying each others company. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. I love your pups. I really do. Such great shots too.

    Sorry about the migraines. I've never had one, but I hear they are most awful.

    Have a fabulous day and stay warm. ♥

  7. KB this is a most beautiful post (minus the Migraines) you put your thoughts down perfectly with each photo.
    Feel better soon,
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hope your headaches fade as the storms move out....what beautiful sentiments(and photos) today!

  9. So sorry your migraines have returned. I'm sure you're right about fluctuation in the barometric pressure. Hopefully the weather will level out and return to a more normal condition without the highs and lows that seem to cause all sorts of problems.

  10. the reason for the saying, it is best to let sleeping dogs lie, must be that it makes such beautiful photos for us to see. that blue bird is awesome

  11. I love your photos today! I hope that the birds are finding all they need - And I hope you get the rest you need as well to get past the migraines. I used to get them when we lived in Alaska for the same reasons as you. Take care!!

  12. Lots to be Thankful for. And even more to be thankful for when the migraines go away!

  13. Migraines are just the worst. I haven't had one since I went through menopause so perhaps that will bring you some relief (even though it brings other issues).

    The bluebird is sooo pretty! We're getting the heat at the moment, which I'd gladly trade for a few degrees cooler temps. But not cold enough for snow.

  14. Great photo of Hachi chasing his tail. Love hummingbirds. Wish we had them. And that bluebird is just gorgeous.

  15. I am so sorry about the migraines, KB! I know the disappointment of being revisited by days of a nagging pain that you have been free of for quite a while. I hope you'll soon be migraine-free again.
    If you are inclined to try providing dried mealworms to the bluebirds, they sometimes go for them. Just a thought. I buy them a bag of them for about $10 at the feedstore now and then, but even WM carries them.
    I love the picture of Hachi chasing his tale - that's a beauty :)
    And now you've reminded me to check my own hummingbird feeder, so I'll do that with evening chores now. Take care :)

  16. You knows, Ma's my-grains have been bad all week too! sigh. Wells, I hopes yours get better real soon! You are so lucky you went so long without one! (Ma is jealous ☺) Anyhu, Those pics are gorgeous! And you puppers are just the cutest evers!
    Ruby ♥

  17. We're sorry to hear about the migraines. That is no fun but your pictures are beautiful. Hachi is lucky to have such good mentors with the labraduo.

  18. I wish for your migraines to go away! They can make us so miserable!
    And we hope all the birds find food! Oh please let them find food!
    Were so glad that Shyla has made such good friends with Hachi!


  19. That last photo is SO adorable. I understand about the migraines. If I ever got a 5 month break, I'd be thinking they were finally gone too! I don't think I've ever had more than a 2 week break. :(
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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