Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wordless Wednesday - Contrasts

Winter is back at our home in the Rockies.

Based on history, this really should be the last winter storm. But it's going on for days and days and days. I'm glad that the dogs love it!

So I will dream of the warm places where we hung out last month.


  1. beautiful snow covered flower. hope it stops soon. hope all the snow helps the wild life. your pups love the snow and love the heat which is a good thing.

  2. Hari om
    We saw on the news earlier that the USA is being hit with lots of tornadoes and unseasonal weather. Kerazy klimate! YAM xx

  3. With all the snow Will the Mommy bears
    keep their baby cubs in the dens longer?
    I hope the can find food under the snow.

    ♥ Astro & Mitzie

    1. Yes, they probably will. My den observations from past years show that most mother bears with small cubs leave their dens in late May. However, with this snow, they will either stay longer (if they haven't already left). If they've already left the den, the mother will settle beneath the canopy of a pine tree and she'll cover her cubs underneath her. She sort of cradles them with her legs and arms so that they aren't directly on the ground. The tender caring of a mother bear is a wonderful thing.

    2. i have learned so much about the wild animals that live in your neighborhood. Thank you for helping us understand their behavior so that we can appreciate even more how totally awesome they are. Mother Nature is the best designer, no question!

  4. Yes, Keep Thinking Snow!! Allow Those Flakes To Fall On Your Heart. The Pup Absolutely Loves The Snow. Enjoy The Week And Stay Strong.


  5. Contrast is definitely the proper title for your post today, KB! Love the snow-covered hyacinth!

  6. MOTHER Nature is quite the artist....I love the snow layered on the purple posy.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. OMD, Hachi's gotten so big! And that furst pic is just gawjuss.

  8. You are really getting a "last hurrah" of snowstorms this year! We are just having three or four consecutive days of rain for every perfect blue-sky day like today. I wish the black flies and ticks would drown in the rain, but unfortunately that never seems to happen.

  9. 2 hours north of us, they had a snow storm on Sunday. We just had some frost, but it has been cold and rainy most of the week. Not real nice weather at all. Enjoy the snow to play in.

  10. Winter is back in a lot of places this morning. Yikes.

    Your pups are so amazing.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. I'm glad to live where we don't have winter weather the 3rd week of May. I'm sure the pups are enjoying it.

  12. Is this weather just the weirdest ever? I don't ever remember snow in the Mile High City after Mother's Day and looks like it's not going away soon. *sigh*

    1. You can probably hear me sighing from down there. It is dismal. But imagine the wildflowers after all of this moisture!

  13. That's a tough little hiacynth! The pups are having some fun with the snow today, cute babies!

  14. At least it looks beautiful, and the dogs love it!

  15. Hachi, you are getting so big. Looks like wonderful time to play around in the snow. The photos are just beautiful. Thanks for the lovely share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  16. The weather is crazy, hot to cold then back again!

  17. Oh my goodness. We are just getting a lot of rain,

  18. Those are great photos of the plants in the snow. There is no doubt the dogs love playing in snow. Hugs

  19. Your warm places are so beautiful!
    And that brilliant blue flower with snow on it,,, is so gorgeous!

  20. I think I'd lose it if we got snow right now! LOL


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