Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

R and I had some fun together this week, visiting the meadows of yellow together. By our standards, it was hot - perhaps in the mid-seventies. So, R camped out under a giant yellow flower for some shade!

He's such a fun and loyal dog. I feel so lucky for every single day in the sun that I have time with him.

At one point while we were in the meadow, I took out my very wide angle lens. To use this lens with a dog, I need to be about a foot away, at most. R looked at me set up so very close to him, and he got impatient for the treats in my pocket. He decided to wave to me, hoping that a wave would convince me to empty my pocket of treats for him. He bopped my camera with his paw as I hit the shutter button. The result is not a beautiful photo but it really made me laugh!

That's our hilarious black dog. He makes me guffaw regularly... Thanks, R!
Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. I am smiling now... you are blessed, both of you....

  2. His wave really shows his personality and is beautiful too!

  3. What great pictures of R. He sure is a happy boy.

  4. Such a handsome R, we are wavying back!

  5. Handsome boy! Love the photo of his wave.

  6. R the yellow field is mighty pretty BUTT your handsome self makes it GORGEOUS!!
    Should you decide to wear a bandanna it should be YELLOW.
    I love the wave photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Such a joyful boy! His happy face always makes me smile.

  8. Such a handsome boy who looks absolutely 'fur-bulous' in the yellow flowers!

  9. Love his flower umbrella in the first photo.

  10. He is an awesome dog!!
    Mabel & HIlda

  11. OMD, R, I do that to Ma all the times! BOL!!! Peeps can BE SO SLOW with the treaties sometimes!
    Ruby ♥

  12. Dear BLK Dog,
    I Love You.

    Team Human

  13. Happy, Crazy, Love,
    the black dog R.
    Yes, you crack us up too.

    ♥ Astro & Mitzie

  14. What a great picture of your black dog under the yellow flower. Reminds me of fairies, only a bit bigger!

  15. R is a very fun guy!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. R has stolen our hearts! We love him!


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