Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Thankful Thursday - For our World

I love our mountains, even when they're stormy.

 I love my time on the trails with Shyla, even when it's raining.

Shyla loves to run, even when it's chilly and damp.

And we both love those yellow flowers, no matter what.
I am thankful for springtime, here in the Colorado mountains, even if it's been cold and rainy a lot this year!

Thanks to our friend, Brian, for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. that are super reasons to be thankful. we love yellow flowers too, they are like little suns even on a gray day

  2. Lots of rain here, too, but now it's rainy and hot - seems like only a couple of weeks ago I was lighting a fire to take the damp chill off the house, and now I'm wondering when I'll have to turn on the A/C for Piper. Right now she's got her own fan :)

  3. We love seeing your special neck of the woods...and beautiful Shyla too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. We've enjoyed the cooler temps this spring too. Shyla looks like she is having fun romping among the flowers.

  5. Those are wonderful things to be thankful for. We love the pictures of you and your yellow wildflowers, Shyla!

  6. Hari OM
    and I am thankful to discover these things through your blog! YAM xx

  7. We have had some nice cool but sunny days which we love not being fans of the summer heat. Your area is so beautiful in any weather.

  8. Springtime in the Rockies is always incredible, as your images so prove.

  9. Wet, or cold, those mountains and Shyla always shine.Beautiful among the flowers.

  10. Beautiful. You live in a wonderful place.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. Shyla you are picture purrfect of a 4 season Colorado girl
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. We love your world. We love everything that you share with us ! Every flower and bird and all the furred friends who live in your woods and forest.
    We love that your heart is always open to see beauty even when skys are gray.
    We love your spirit that always keeps searching for beauty.
    We love all of you, and we love to see Shyla , R, and Hachi enjoying special moments.
    And we love that you always have hope.

  13. I love your walks too - lucky you and Shyla, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  14. Our spring has been cool and rainy as well (it is pouring out right now!) but we still love it too!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. Our rainy season finally broke, but after one big heatwave, the temperatures have been below normal. Not that I'm complaining LOL


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