Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi seems to be calming down. The meds have brought down his intensity quite a bit, and the Prozac isn't even supposed to take effect for a while longer. For his mellowness, we are grateful.
He will be separated from the Duo within the house for the foreseeable future. The good news is that the separated pack is becoming more routine for us. We have an ex pen, extra crates, tethers, and gates. With all those options, we are finding it to be easier to move the dogs around the house without interactions. And, doors no longer have to be closed to separate the pack. It feels much better that way.

Hachi's mellowness means that some of his training is going much better. He does something called the "Relaxation Protocol" which is often prescribed for reactive dogs. It involves him lying on a mat while we do all sorts of silly things, including pretending that someone is at the door. He now can handle all the crazy things that we do - and remain quietly in a down-stay, even when we go to the door and pretend to talk to a visitor. That's a huge step forward.

Every morning and evening, Hachi has played with the other dogs with no problems whatsoever. He and Shyla love chasing each other and playing stick.

He has such a blast sprinting around outdoors.
We are glad that he has an outlet for his puppy energy. It keeps him happy.

Most of all, we are feeling far more upbeat this week than last week. We feel some hope but we also feel like our current routine is sustainable for the long term. That's a big step forward.

Thanks so much for all of your support.


  1. oh and you look for firewood for the next winter too? good idea!

  2. Hari om
    Good news always brings smiles! YAM xx

  3. Such a wonderful update and I sure do love the BLK Dog Sunday photos

    Big Hugs

  4. I'm glad you've worked out the in-the-house aspect without closed doors.

  5. We are so glad to hear that Hachi is doing well and our new routine is working out for all of you. We are keeping our paws crossed that Hachi continues to improve.

  6. this is all good news, so happy for your pups and for both of you.. LOVE the shadow shot

  7. Glad for the good news. Paws crossed the progress continues.

  8. That's a huge step. I've got my fingers and toes crossed that this is the path that will work.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. What wonderful news for all 2 and 4 leggers!!
    I love his pictures today
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Hooray Hachi! I sure hope those meds help so that sweet boy can enjoy his happy.

  11. So glad to hear it's getting smoother. Hachi is getting so big and he is gorgeous! His white "chrome" is really stunning.

  12. Having a plan and system that is working well is wonderful, and if they all seem to agree with the new way, better still. Maybe he will gradually work this through and be more normal. Enjoy those days outside, 2 C down here this morning!!

  13. It's all sounding pretty positive. Love the pictures of you having fun, Hachi!

  14. I'm so glad you found ways to eliminate closed doors. And that Hachi is learning to stay on the mat. We found "go to your mat" one of our most useful commands in instances where our dogs got hyper-excited with a lot of people in the house.

  15. Improvement. No wonder you're feeling better. Paws crossed everything keeps working.

  16. Glad to hear that this week has been much better that the one before. Having all one's tools lined up so one can manage the situation is calming in itself, isn't it? It turns us from being reactive ourselves, to being proactive. Or said another way, it allows us to stay in our thinking minds rather than falling into our emotions - just as we want our dogs to do. Excellent first step!

    We worked through parts of the Relaxation Protocol too, for Habi. To make sure both Habi and Obi could do polite greetings, we stepped up our silliness till they could plop into a sit even when we were dancing around waving our arms over our heads. Somehow that became the cue, and since no visitors ever danced into our house waving their arms, we had to re-train from the beginning. Oops! (Much easier the second time around, I must say).

    Chris from Boise

    PS Our sweet-as-honey, not-a-mean-bone-in-her-body 1.5 year old Rowan pinned a visiting 7 month old pup twice during a play date last week. Unfortunately both times were unprovoked (as far as we could tell), rather than well-deserved. Thanks to your sharing Hachi's chronicles, we are not blowing this off. Hoping it was an over-tired reaction, but we are re-reading Trisha McConnell's "Feeling Outnumbered" booklet and immediately refreshing our "good things come when you share" training.

  17. We are so happy for you that things are going well, and looking up. I tried the Relaxation Protocol with Luke but we didn't make it through. Not sure if that was more him than me. Kudos to both of you if you have success with it! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. I'm so glad that the actions you took are helping keep the peace. You work so well with your dogs and I hope that will help also. I understand that can be stressful for you guys. I have been there with my Doberman and Hound mix dog and I could have used some of that Relaxation Protocol, but it was a long time ago. As Faith was was growing up, she constantly challenged Samson (who is the larger one), beating him up, flipping him, until one day she hurt him and he got fed up and flipped her on her stomach, put his teeth in the rough of her neck and sat on her for a very long time. That was about two years ago and she's never tried anything with him again. They are the best of friends and I'm so grateful because Faith is the most 'You can't pet him, I must come in-between, I must be first out the door, he can't have my toys, but I will steal all his," kind of dog I have ever known. And she's the one that was not found in the streets, instead raised here from seven weeks old. From day one she was like that. Probably too much information, but once I get going on her I can't stop, she's the love of my live....

  19. We are also happy to hear things are looking up a bit this week. Sending positive vibes in hopes that things keep moving forward!

  20. What a blessing! I knew you'd find your way. It can only get better from here.

  21. Good to hear you have figured out how to make the household work and that Hachi is calming down. Paws crossed that good things continue
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. We are glad everyone is starting to adjust. Living the separation life is challenging, but we dogs adjust to the new routines pretty well. Hopefully Hatchi will continue to do well and one day they can all be together in the house too.

  23. This update sounds like so much hope!!!


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