Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is one of the most innocent animals I've known. He expects that treats will fall from the sky and that everyone, humans and dogs alike, will be nice. As he walks down a street in town, he tries to catch everyone's eye,  hoping to entice them to meet him. We call him the "biggest flirt" we've ever seen.

This innocence and complete optimism makes him expect a lot out of life. For example, I take him for an extra outing by himself some days. Ever since I started doing that, he seems to expect it every single day. So, I feel guilty when I must say "no, not today" on occasion. He forgives me in seconds.

His attitude toward life is a wonderful injection of optimism and joy to my life. Life isn't easy, as you all know. Twenty minutes in the meadow with R can bring a smile to my face no matter what!
 Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. hari OM
    Unconditional love and joy is the best balm! YAM xx

  2. You are truly a gem, R, and you look so handsome posing in the beautiful purple wildflowers!

  3. He is such an amazing boy - a testimony to the nurturing he has had (and a little to his temperament).

  4. Those pictures of R made us smile today too. He sure is a happy boy.

  5. He looks like he has a big smile on his face! Happy boy.

  6. We always enjoy seeing the happy and handsome R!

  7. BLK Dog, You Are An Amazingly Handsome Boy & You Just Flirt Away. Its Not Your Fault That All These Humans DON'T Have A Biscuit In Their Pockets. Shadow Boy Loved Airplanes Flying Overhead, Stinky Muddy Puddles, & Walking By Stranger Butt Scratches. Walk With Pride BLK Dog, You Are Making Us Humans Smile Unconditionally.

    Big Hugs Lover Boy

  8. R...you are such an inspiration...your water bowl is always FULL right (no 1/2 fulls in your life). You have a very contagious smile and happiness about you.
    I can 100% tell you should I see you coming toward me, my 'tail' would be wagging and I'd have a great big lets be friends look on my face too. I want to meet every single K9 I see but I must remind myself 'they don't know me'. So I always start a conversation with their humans and before I know it the K9 is pushing my hand toward his noggin.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. oh what a love he is! XO

  10. I don't even have to be out with him. That wonderful guy gives me an uplift every Sunday, just seeing his photographs and reading about him. We all need to try to pattern ourselves after the lovely black dog. He's been through so much and still maintains that happy hopeful attitude.

  11. He is truly a 'heart' dog. I've had dogs in the past with personalities like his, such treasures when here and in memories.

  12. He is such a special boy!!! And he always looks so happy.

  13. That's the kind of positive presence everyone needs. Please Give R some loving from us.

  14. The happy smile on his face could melt frozen butter.
    So much goodness wrapped up in Handsome R

    ♥♥ Astro and Mitzie

  15. I know what it means to have that one-on-one time with just you and a dog. It reinforces that bond, and makes for some wonderful memories and a fun day too! R really is one handsome boy -- I can't help but smile at his photos!!

  16. Ma said if she saw your handsome face comin' towards her she would fursure gives you her IScream! or whatever she had. You are one handsome fella, and I am sure everyone loves you as much as we do!
    Ruby ♥

  17. Dogs in general have the best outlook on life. Gotta love their 'live in the moment' approach to life. I wish I could be more like that.

  18. He reminds me of our golden Sheba in that way...she used to be so disappointed if someone walked by us and didn't pay attention to her! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  19. R is just so full of love! Everyone loves R!


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