Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thankful Thursday - For Shyla!

Each and every day, I am thankful for the time that I have with sweet Shyla out in nature. She is the best romping buddy that I could ask for. She is so enthusiastic!

I love playing "snarf the treat" with Shyla. She is so intense about snagging the the treat out of the air. Her eyes make me smile!
Shyla makes every single day brighter for me.

Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop!


  1. the eyes!!! I think she is the one we have always in our mind when we see a brown lab ;O)

  2. You make us smile too sweet, Shyla!

  3. Those snarfing pictures always make us smile too.

  4. She's a pretty girl and mom is great with the camera.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. We totally adore your sweet Shyla! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. What a cutie! Love the 'catch' expression.

  7. In some ways she reminds me of our Olivia with that crazed look, LOL!

  8. When Shyla gets excited, her eyes look like something out of a cartoon. How special is that!

  9. Shyla is a real darling! Those photos are awesome, the look on her face catching that treat is hilarious :)

  10. Seeing her always brightens our day too! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. And we bet Shyla is very thankful for all that you have done and continue to do for her.

  12. We love seeing her "pure happy" look when you all are out romping!

  13. BOL! OMD, gurl, you are the bestest snarfer EVERS! I have the worse eye-mouth coordination ~ I almost never catch stuffs! ☺
    Oh, and LOVES your tail in that furst pic! so fluffy!
    Ruby ♥

  14. Yay for Shyla! <3 I love your catch the cookie photos so much! I hope I can get Alice to catch one day! So far she just lets them smack her in the face. LOL


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