Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Coyote Pup Siblings Who Play and Play

Some people hate coyotes. I am not among them. Coyotes are closely related to wolves and even to our dogs. They somehow have flourished despite the extreme efforts by humans to exterminate them.

I choose to celebrate the fact that we have a den nearby.

And to revel in seeing the pups' love for each other.

If you want some smiles today, check out the video of them playing. I think that it's the best footage of the coyote pups yet.


  1. the one who works with the paws must be the twin of phenny LOL

  2. they are sooo beautiful and fun to watch... I love them both, but the one that is more black instead of brown is my favorite. their face markings are amazing... this is truly a fanatastic video of them... I feel so sorrowful for the ones who live here in our city.... I wish there was a way to move them out in the middle of the state where they can hunt and enjoy life

  3. Hari OM
    Not long till they range off now, they are getting so grown... YAM xx

  4. Those pups sure are getting big. We have coyotes living around us but have never seen them. Our first night at our house 29 years ago we were woken in the night by the pack yipping loudly close by. Our two German shepherds answered back and it took a while to fall asleep after that.

  5. They look like normal pups at play and so much fun to watch.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they have such beautiful faces and expressive eyes.
    Love the sibling romping
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Aw, such a fun video. So cute.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  8. They are so fun to watch and they sure were having a big time!

  9. They do have a nice open space, so maybe they'll be able to live there without any problems with humans.

  10. Fascinating 'neck-wrestling". Nice play!

    Chris from Boise

  11. Aww, they play just like the Sibes do! They are at that long leg and big ears stage! How I wish I could reach in and pluck those shedding furs:)

  12. My mom thinks they are great, but we are not happy that they are now in the neighborhoods causing trouble, and being a danger to small pets. It's true, the neighborhoods used to be vacant land, but still it is scary to see them walking down the street in the middle of the day sometimes.

  13. They look like they are getting big quickly - their legs look so long!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. They look so happy and adorable in their world

  15. Count me as a fan, too. We still have one or two who show up every once in a while in my NW Denver neighborhood. Everyone goes beserk, but I love watching them even as they dash down alleys. LOVED the video of the tail wagging wrestling.


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