Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 9, 2019

Lots of play between the bear cubs

Blackie and Brownie, the cubs, played lots and lots in the water over the past week. They both seem to love it like their mom does.

Brownie continued her rise in confidence which bordered on rebelliousness and bullying on this day. Brownie went in the water to join her mom, and her mom gave her some soft bites that appeared to be trying to correct Brownie.

Brownie responded by again trying to bite her mom. Look at Brownie's hand on her mom - it looks a lot like a human hand.

When mom decided to walk away, Brownie took a flying leap at her brother.

And then they both stood to spar. Brownie is now bigger and almost launched Blackie out of the water, thereby ending the play.
I am a worry-wart, particularly about aggression in animals given my recent life experience. However, despite that, I'll admit that I started to wonder how normal Brownie's behavior is. I'll try to find out, and I'll let you know if I do.

You can watch the video that I compiled of their play here.


  1. me thinks Brownie might have a little grizzly in her genetics. ha ha… I love seeing them play, mama is so beautiful and all she wanted was a Calgon take me away moment in her tub.

  2. Hari Om
    A great enteratainment for us - but I think you will find that such 'aggression' is perfectly normal. It occurs in the human species - in all species, where being dominant brings survival privilege. The survival of the fittest paradigm demands that we 'kill or be killed'. In higher functioning species such as our own, the theory is that we have tempered this through use of intellect and socialisation. Aha. It's called 'taming'. Leaving you with that thought... &*> YAM xx

  3. What a naughty disrespectful little cub! Mama bear better get more stern. They look so human-like up on two feet and are so much fun to watch.

  4. I love the videos - I watch them on You-tube on TV. Watched some last night and my dog Alex sat up and watched the coyotes playing. Thank you so much for bringing the animals to us!

  5. Love the video - it's so wonderful to be able to see these animals in their habitat. I wonder if this rough play simply is meant to teach them how to survive when they're on their own.

  6. That really was fun and they really were having a blast!

  7. Aw, everyone likes to play. So adorable.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Cub Scouts..LOL I enjoyed the video too.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I assume it's almost time for the mother to leave them to fend for themselves? If so a little feistiness is a healthy thing.

    1. No, mom stays with them until next spring... so she has another 9 months with them! She will den with them this winter. What a job!

  10. Brownie sure was a bit feisty that day:) We loved how Mom's corrections were firm but not too harsh. It is fun to see Brownie walk backwards in the water. Thanks for the video.

  11. Wow, things sure have turned around since the first video I saw on Blskkie and Brownie! Brownie seems to have a bit of an attitude!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  12. Seems both cubs want Mom to be a sparring partner. Brownie seems to be taking over.

  13. Those cubs are too adorable, and we love how they are different colors!

  14. they seem so human like in some ways.
    Mabel & Hilda

  15. Great video!! I don't know much about bear family dynamics, but it doesn't look like aggression to my amateur eye - just youngsters getting stronger and testing their abilities and boundaries. If Mama wanted to shut it down, she could do it in a split second. I think I know how you feel, though - it is SO hard for me to watch goats, especially youngsters who have been nothing but sweet and happy, being on either end of the same type of playing and rough-housing and testing. I just want Everyone To Get Along!

  16. That seems pretty brave going after Mom like that! Maybe there are bratty kids in the wild animal world too? :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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