Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, August 23, 2019

No, the Cubs are not Dancing

The bear family is staying in a fairly small area where my cams see them regularly.

Brownie is now a lot bigger than Blackie. Brownie also plays very aggressively. Whether s/he is leaping out of trees onto Blackie or hitting Blackie in the face, I find myself incredulous that this is the same cub as the very timid Brownie who we first saw in May.

This is a really fun video of the two cubs playing. Be sure to notice the first scene in which Brownie ambushes Blackie, and then the scenes where the pair are like a pair of boxers.


  1. I would sit for hours to watch them... this is so wonderful!

  2. there playtime is much like our dogs used to do, but they were loud and growly, these gorgeous cubs don't make any noise that I can hear. thanks for my morning smiles... in the beginning I thought Why does the bear climb the tree? because he can.... for some reason I could not stop smiling watching that part. so cute slapping each other. they are like children playing the pool in the back yard

  3. I really like watching them "standing up" and playing!
    They are getting so big!!

  4. They are so much like our furkids!

  5. OMD, I want to go box with them! I never knew bears were part-boxer!

  6. They are hilarious but I know their play fights are practice for their lives in the wild. Do you suppose that Brownie is part grizzly? Would that explain the size difference?

  7. That Brownie is a little devil landing on his siblings head. I love the way mom seems to not pay any attention to the cubs during their sparing matches but they are aware if they get too close to her.

  8. You're right, Brownie has grown in size AND confidence! I'm betting Brownie's a "he" and Blackie's a "she", just based on growth patterns.

    What an ambush! Not sure I'd like a thirty-pounder (sheer guess!) landing on MY head...:-) Thanks for sharing, as always!

    Chris from Boise

  9. Could the size difference be that Brownie is a male?

  10. They are so amazing to see! Too bad they aren't dancing though, they could be on TV with Dancing with the Bears.

  11. As entertaining as the old Friday Night Boxing Fights. Love the sparring these guys engage in. Blackie gives as good as he gets for being smaller now.

  12. Aw, so adorable.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  13. Do they usually play silently? I suppose I was expecting the vocalizing puppies do when playing together, but perhaps bears may have an innate sense of the value of not announcing their presence with vocalizing? So interesting - great footage, KB :)

  14. Fascinating, watching the cubs spar like that.

  15. They kind of remind me of when our cats play fight, or sometimes have a real spat. Such cute bears.

  16. Blackie seems to hold his (or her) own though! They are so much fun to watch. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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