Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Thankful Thursday

I think that I will look back at this phase as one of the harder ones in my life. My father isn't doing well with his cancer and its treatment. Hachi's issues add to that stress and sadness a lot.

My morning time with Shyla in the meadow is a time when I simply forget all else. I gaze at the flowers, watch her run, and figure out how to photograph to show the beauty that I love so deeply. Most days, I get in a zone where my worries temporarily take flight.
Shyla is the most enthusiastic subject that I can imagine. She will gallop for me as many times as I ask as I try to get my technique right. She is so much fun!

The wildflowers have stunned me this year. Just a few minutes walk from our house, there is a meadow that has exploded with color to an extent that I've never seen before. I visit those flowers with the dogs every single day.

I am learning - again - to never take anything for granted and to fully appreciate every glorious day that we have on this Earth.
Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday blog hop.


  1. Hari OM
    I am sometimes of the opinion that we need daily reminding of the positives in life, so that we counterbalance the negative. I am glad that you have these moments of respite - and then share them with us so that we benefit too! YAM xx

  2. Find joy in each day has also become my motto. Shyla is such a wonderful girl, and I'm always amazed at the beautiful pictures of her, and your corner of the world you share!

  3. I'm sorry your Dad is facing those challenges, hugs to you and your beautiful furry family too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. I Am Sending Positive Vibes Your Way - Love & Light

    Big Hugs

  5. Some days can be so overwhelming. You are such a beauty, Shyla - inside and out.

  6. KB...you have my thoughts and prayers through this difficult time as you love and care for your sweet Daddy. Although they are virtual hugs I send, I do hope you can feel them in a small way.
    I'm so very thankful you have Shyla who has the gift of being able to clear your mind so that you can recharge. The Labra duo are your sanctuary in troubled times.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. You have given so much of yourself to Shyka; she is now giving back more than you ever imagined. Keep believing it will turn out the same with hachi.

  8. I'm sorry about your father and Hachi. I'm so happy you have Shyla. I can see the joy she brings you and you bring to her. A good thing.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Purrs and prayers for your Dad. Shyla is so beautiful, I'm glad she is there for you.

  10. So sorry to hear about your dad. Sending our Sibe Vibes for health and healing.

    As for Hachi, it will take time, but he will bloom into his own blessing for you someday. I know how hard it is. Having patience sucks. :)

    I would love to see one of your meadows in person. It must just blow you away.

  11. This is indeed a very difficult time for you. Prayers for you, your Dad and Hachi.

  12. I'm so glad you take time - and your faithful companion - to do every day something that gives you a period of respite from all the worries. It's too easy to shortchange ourselves while putting a lot of energy into the needs of others. And like you, I seem to relearn that lesson about not taking anything for granted, over and over. Fortunately, and also like you, I only have to look around to be reminded of how much I have to feel grateful for.

  13. Shyla, the therapy dog, is helping you stay on an even keel. You need those times when you aren't thinking.

  14. I am so sorry about you Dad, KB. Sometimes worrys are so heavy.
    Thank goodness you have Shyla, that can help you. She is trying her best!

  15. Your photos are stunning. I am sorry that you are experiencing challenges, but sometimes the sour helps us taste the sweet! Joining you from Thankful Thursday.

  16. So sorry to hear your Dad's treatment isn't going well. Know that we're all sending loads of loving thoughts and prayers your way. Enjoy the visual beauty that is all around your world.

  17. Glad that Shyla can help you escape for a while the difficult things going on for you right now. Prayers for your Dad and paws crossed for Hachi
    Mabel & Hilda

  18. I am ever so sorry that things are not going well with your father. How wonderful that you have Shyla and your lovely surroundings to give you even a brief respite from worry. I don't know how my husband could have coped with my cancer, hospitalizations, and chemotherapy without Lucy. Another reason we need to find another dog to add to the family.

  19. Life has a way of throwing way too much at us at once. It was during my sister's surgery and chemo that we lost our cat Samantha, and I was also sick with a nasty cold. Coming home to the farm, Luke, and my hubby are the only things that kept me sane.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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