Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thankful Thursday

For most of the summer, I had breakfast with the Flycatchers. Like every summer, they had a nest under the deck. Due to our very late spring (remember the snow in June!), they were late with starting their family. Their first nest failed. I think that a predator got their eggs.

They started a second one very very late, with 3 eggs on July 5. They persevered, and three little Flycatchers fledged on August 5.

Here was the father, on one of the last days that the babies were in the nest. He snatched a fly out of the air and sat on a perch next to our deck. He wouldn't take it under the deck to the babies until I pretended that I wasn't looking. Then, he fed them.

Without fanfare early on August 5, the three babies took their first flights. I can hear the family in the forest around our house calling to each other. It makes me smile to know that they've had a fruitful summer.

Soon, they will fly south. Safe travels, my friends.

I am so thankful for these birds that captivate me with their determination every summer.


  1. that's so great to see them every year... and we wish them a good trip and a good time in the south too

  2. They really are some serious cuties! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. What a great picture. We love seeing all our bird babies around the yard. Many of them have already left us for their long journey.

  4. I feel the same about birds as you do. They are fascinating and we love them.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  5. What a handsome birdie he is. Safe travels to all of the birdies!

  6. Great shot! We don't get flycatchers here so I appreciate seeing it. Sad they lost their first nest but hooray for the three who survived.

  7. What a wonderful picture of Daddy Flycatcher.
    I don't think we have them here in the Piedmont of NC but I suspect maybe in the NC Mountains.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Hari OM
    What delights! YAM xx (who likes this light grey background, BTW - nice change and easy on the eyes!)

  9. Tiny birds, and what delight to have them so close.

  10. What cutie pies! Always am captivated by those tiny birds and love that they take care of many of the annoying flies of summer.

  11. We love watching (and sometimes chasing) birds. Anything that gets rid of flies is a friend of ours.

  12. I love that you had to pretend not to look :) My flycatchers did not come and build their annual nest this year, and I have very much missed seeing them bob atop the paddock fences and swoop around the garden. I hope they will come back next year!

  13. That father has a very watchful and alert eye:)

  14. Fantastic photograph, KB. What a treat to have the nest there every year.

  15. Oh this makes Mom miss the killdeer that used to lay eggs in our yard. Early in the morning the little ones would be running around
    Mabel & Hilda

  16. What a beautiful bird. We have nests under our deck, but we never think to check for bird and babies.

  17. What a cutie!! We had flycatchers nesting above our patio door, which they do every year. They have three nests in a row up there, like a little condo area! We saw the little ones, but I never did see when they fledged.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. What a great picture! They are among my favorites here in Virginia! The Eastern Phoebe is one I look forward to seeing in the spring. I just saw one today, and was thinking that soon they would be leaving us. How can it be time already?


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