Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Hachi Chronicle

In spite of the odd lifestyle of separating Hachi from the Duo in the house, we feel that we must be sure that all three dogs have happy lives. They need time to snuggle with us, be petted, and run around happily.

R gets the running time every morning with the Runner and Hachi. Both dogs are off-leash together, and they happily run together. R is beyond the age where he wants to play chase like Shyla and Hachi do. But he has lots and lots of fun. I'm not there on their morning runs - so there are no photos of it!

Hachi starts getting excited about his evening romp with Shyla hours ahead of time. Any movement toward the door or me putting on my camera strap leads to crazed barking.

As soon as we unclip the leashes, the games begin.

Seeing them so exuberant is truly a highlight of our day.
Our happiness is for both of them. Shyla has a friend with whom she cuts loose in play. Hachi is her first friend like that. R has never been into this type of play. Hachi also has a friend with whom he shows nothing but affection. They run so hard and are so joyful.

Often, the Runner, R, and I just stand and watch as these two make circles around us.

This is a wonderful part of having Hachi join our pack.


  1. yes... and that photos fit so perfectly to da world doggy day!!!

  2. You and Hachi look like you are having the time of your lives, Shyla! Happy National Dog Day!

  3. Playing with your best friend...
    What a fun way to celebrate the start of each day.

    ♥Astro and Mitzie

  4. we truly miss our pack of three chasing each other, then the two for a few years, then Jake alone chasing the tennis ball. now the laziest dog on the planet lays and does nothing. not sure if he would run with a dog, but we can't afford another one and are barely up to caring for one.

  5. There's nothing quite like abandoned joy of a run-like-the-rain pair of dogs enjoying the chase.

  6. Hachi runs and plays like nobuddy is watching and so happy!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Great to see them having fun! Puts a smile on my face.

  8. It's wonderful that you have managed such a difficult situation. Happy Dog Day!

  9. Being in the house was always the most difficult for us as well. Outside, most of the time was better. I have so many videos of the dogs playing chase with each other. I treasure them.

    Beautiful photos.

  10. The pups look crazed with joy!

  11. They are both having so much joy with each other. Just seeing them run around and Shyla having a best friend to play with. Thanks for sharing the sweet photos. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  12. It really is terrific to see those two going full steam ahead!

  13. That looks like such fun, and so good that Hachi can be out there and enjoy running with R and then with Shyla, the best times with each one.

  14. Lovely! You're doing a great job giving them all their moments (and miles!) of joy.

    Chris from Boise

  15. You can see how much they enjoy it. Just so strange that Hachi changes when indoors.

  16. It is great that Hachi and Shyla can have so much fun together. Hachi's relationship with R is so bizarre. Able to run together outside, but not able to be together inside or with food. Poor Hachi - it must be so hard for him, but we still have hope.

  17. Mom says she could watch us play chase forever. Every pup has different likes in life, just like people, and some dogs click better than others too.

  18. What fun! Those photos just express pure joy.

  19. You are making the best of a difficult situation, and I love that. Those two are having so much fun together. I really miss watching dogs play together.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. They sure look like they are having fun.

  21. Such joyful pictures. WE are glad that Hachi and R can enjoy time together outdoors
    Mabel & Hilda


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