Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Black Dog Sunday

A quiet evening in the brilliant colors, spent with our Black Dog. That, by definition, is a favorite day of the year.
The best abstract art includes our Black Dog!

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Gorgeous art, R! Happy Sunday and Happy September!

  2. Dear BLK Dog,
    Another Season Of Wildflowers And Mid Morning Strolls. Your Ears Are Constantly Working And Honoring Your Human Is What You Do So Well. May You Find A Treat On Your Dog Bed Upon Your Return From The Wilderness. Sundays Are For You And I Know You Know It. Thanx For Being So Damn Handsome And Special. Someday, I Hope To Wrap My Arms Around Your Neck And Giggle With Joy. Until Then, Cuddle Puddle With Your Pack.


  3. He looks handsome even in the abstract. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  4. Hello R!!
    That is a most handsome artsy photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. We're sure an evening with the humans count as a great day for him, as well.

  6. Sundays are always made even better with the sweet black dog.

  7. Through you I have come to love R and see how special black-labs are. It has only been a day, and I'm already missing having one as part of our household.

  8. Oh R, you look most handsome surrounded by those purty blooms!
    Ruby ♥


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