Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 6, 2019

Moose mom and calf in a thunderstorm

What do a moose mom and her calf do when it pours rain and even thunders?

Well, they are moose - so they hang out in the water!
Funny, the lifeguards wouldn't let us do this back when I was a child. Standing in a pond during a lightning storm seems crazy!

Then, the calf gave us a nice selfie, taken with my trail cam.

Check out the short video.


  1. we wish them the best and not much thunderstorms ... it's bad to get wet..at least for us LOL

  2. ho hum, jst another day eating in the rain and listening to the thunder. that calf is to precious for words, even soaking wet. maybe to them it is just warm melted snow falling on them not icy white stuff

  3. Love seeing that wee sweet one with the Mom!

  4. We like the up close view of the baby. Good thing he didn't try to eat the camera.

  5. Hari Om
    I am smiling... nature does that! YAM xx

  6. Whoa...that does seem wild. Maybe the rain acts like a tenderizer on the marsh plants. But still, standing in water during a thunderstorm is insane!

  7. I guess there was nothing to act as a conductor, not like in city areas.Close up, just checking it all out, then he must have nudged the camera as it shook so slightly.This is a wonderful capture of them both. XXX

  8. Never thought about that. Wonder how many 'water' animals suffer lightning strikes....curious. Love seeing the baby up close and hear it snuffling at the camera.

  9. Fun fact about me! I love Moose! They are one of my favorite hoofed animals! That calf is SO cute! Thank you for sharing. These pics totally made my day. <3

  10. I suppose it might be safer than standing under a tree? They sure didn't seem to be too disturbed. I had a laugh the snuffling of the calf at the camera.

  11. Interesting that they don't shake to get any of the water off. I suppose it would be useless to do so while still in the pouring rain. I do enjoy your videos, KB.

  12. fun to see the young moose checking out your camera, up close.
    Lovely images and footage.

  13. Not a care in the world! Love the calf selfie!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. I love this footage :) I've seen adult and yearling moose but never one that young - s/he really gave your camera a thorough sniffing!

  15. That mama moose is really keeping her eye on her baby.,, and they are having such a good time.


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