Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

Just a few words today....

This image was from near the start of a long point-to-point ride at about 11,000' in the Colorado mountains. The trail disappeared into the distance beckoning me to hurry forward but I couldn't prevent myself from stopping to enjoy the view.

After pedaling for a couple of hours, I came out above treeline - my favorite place in the world.
Trails like this one mimic the wild and unpredictable journey of life. No one knows what is lurking around the next curve in the trail.


  1. I love both of these, what a stunning ride that is, all those yellow flowers are amazing.

  2. Free Your Mind & Your Bike Will Follow

    Big Hugs
    P.S. BLK Dog Would Just Love A Just Because Treat

  3. What amazingly beautiful scenery. We can understand why you had to stop your ride for a few pictures.

  4. OH MY you have rendered me speechless (and that rarely happens with a gal whose cousin gave her the nickname
    Mouth of the South)!!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Oh my. I would love to ride with you. Beautiful. Just wow.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  6. What a wonderful analogy...and a beautiful trail!

  7. Love the little flowers along the way. It looks so spring like rather than fall.

  8. With the trail like 'unpredictable life', it's good to stop and admire the beauty along the way.

  9. Such a beautiful ride. So glad I could pedal digitally rather than on a real bike. I'd be gasping for air I'm afraid. 🚵‍♀️

  10. You are so brave....I am always worried about what is around those bends....
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. I cant even imagine being at 11,000 feet, or above the treeline. It is beautiful.

  12. On top of the world so wonderful!!
    Mabel & Hilda


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