Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 7, 2019

A mountain lion on the tail of the bobcat family

You may remember the last vignette from the bobcat family's life. They visited a water hole.

And then the kittens examined a mountain lion scrape a short distance away while mom was on the lookout.

It turned out that a mountain lion was following close behind them. He arrived at the water hole about 45 minutes after them. He drank and drank... for about two minutes.

He is huge compared to the bobcats.

Then, he followed the same path as the bobcat family. Compare this photo to the one of the bobcats in the same place. The size difference is astounding.
As you'll see in the video, this lion probably took a cat nap for 5 hours or so, and then he emerged about a mile further along our local cat trail.

I have no reason to think that he ever caught up to the bobcats but I'll update you when my cams see them again!

Here's a short video of the bobcats and lion.


  1. We hope the kittens and their mom stay safe!

  2. That lion sure is huge. We hope he never finds those kittens.

  3. Oh yes, we sure hope the kittens remain safe.

  4. Aw, those kittens are adorable. A bigger version of our house kitties.

    What a lovely video. You have a slice of heaven in your area.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  5. It's so interesting to compare them in exactly the same spot!

  6. Oooooo, I fear for that little one-eyed kitten.

  7. Ruh Roh. I hopes the Bobcats are safe.....that is one huge Mountain lion! Paws crossed he found some other food
    Ruby ♥

  8. All the cats are so beautiful. We hope the Bobcats are safe and there was no cat fighting.


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