Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shyla Silhouette Saturday

On one recent evening walk, I saw the sky lighting up to our south, which is a cue that I may be able to get good silhouette photos of Shyla. We have a few favorite boulders for silhouettes. All that I do is take Shyla to the base of a Boulder and say "go, go". She climbs up to the top and then does what she wants.

My job is simple. Get the exposure right and wait for my beautiful girl to do something photogenic. She rarely lets me down.
This is a classic example of how rotating your camera to make the frame be vertical can improve an image a lot!

I love my Shyla. I'd be lost without her. No need to think about that.


  1. Remarable Moments And Thanx So Much For Sharing - Top Shelf For Sure - And Guess What??? Tomorrow IS Finally BLK Dog Sunday!!! Might Wanna Give The Pack A Just Because Treat Right Now


  2. Hari OM
    One can use the term 'outstanding' in its fullest meaning here! YAM xx

  3. you are right, the vertical changes it completely. that second one looks like a carving of shyla and the rocks. so beautiful...

  4. Love those silhouettes! So beautifully framed with exquisite color.

  5. Just gorgeous...you 2 gals make me smile!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. You two work so well together!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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