Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Today was warm and sunny. I rode my bike in shorts, soaking up the warm sun on my skin. As I pedaled through meadows, grass hoppers popped out of the golden grass in front of me. It was a glorious fall day.

Now, the thermometer is plummeting. It will be frigid tomorrow, with a high temperature of 22°F and a low of 12°F. And, it's going to snow. Winter is arriving in a polar blast!

We spent the late afternoon preparing the garden for the arrival of winter - harvesting all of the remaining crops and draining hoses. My new greenhouse, which was ready for business around the third week in July, produced a surprising quantity of tomatoes given how short its season was. I am excited for a full season next year.

Today, I am grateful for the beautiful autumn that we've had.

Shyla and I had a zen-like autumn of morning mountain bike rides. She was full of zest, and she made me smile every day.

I am holding out a tiny bit of hope that some leaves will still be on the trees when this arctic blast is over but it's probably not realistic.

This path is leading to winter, although there surely will be more warm days coming our way before we reach a state of permanent freeze.
I am thankful for the beauty of the season that is passing and for all of the fun that I had with Shyla this fall.

And, thank you to Brian for hosting the blog hop.


  1. Your golden autumn shots are so beautiful! Hi Shyla☺

  2. Shyla could turn anyone's frown up side down. We usually get our first taste of snow around the middle of October but nothing that cold.

  3. Your area is so beautiful and so is sweet Shyla! Bundle up and keep warm. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. that is way to cold for me, but I sure would like to be cooler than our lows of 75 and high of 87 tomorrow

  5. It's 21 here right now with over 3" of snow (frankly far more than I expected-I just thought we'd get the cold blast). But we'll be back in the 60's by Saturday and all next week. More my kind of weather.

  6. What a beautiful autumn you've had. I hope there are still some color to enjoy after the storm. I'm also glad you got out to enjoy your last day in shorts. Good for you.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. KB I heard about the snow in your forecast. But what a day you had out in the glorious Colorado skies surrounded by Aspen and Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. So beautiful, I love the aspens when they change colors - Shyla looks so happy!

  9. I looked at the CELSIUS figures, and then the Accuweather forecast , looking like those leaves might get frozen off very soon.So glad you had a wonderful day while it was a whole lot warmer.

  10. We're also getting a big chill with some sloppy snow possible on the weekend. We're ready for winter, but haven't even had fall colors here yet.

  11. Enjoy those few short-wearing days this season. The snow will be there all too soon.

  12. How wonderful to have such a day knowing what the future has in store. Such a massive change over much of the Rockies and the Midwest. I'm glad Shyla will also love the snow as well as the lovely day you enjoyed today.

  13. Wow, talk about extremes. I am SO not ready for the cold yet! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. So cold! I was hoping the moderate fall weather would last a little bit longer, but temps seem to be dropping everywhere.
    Those pictures are beautiful! Love all of the golden leaves :)


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