Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mountain Lion Family with THREE big kittens

My trail camera recorded an astounding sight - a mother mountain lion with three kittens almost as big as her (October 2, 2019).
I had to pause and take a deep breath when I first saw this large family. That's a lot of cat, and they were out in the forest only slightly after we were out on our sunset hike. We weren't far from them. Wow. Thank goodness that they stick with non-human and non-dog prey.

I'm going to guess that these kittens are a year old or so. That mother has had to do so much hunting and very hard work to bring all three of them to the cusp of adulthood. She has to kill lots of prey every week to feed all of them. And, she has to somehow keep all those kittens in line - that's a lot of "cat herding". She is incredible! 

I thought that I might only glimpse that family once. But I was wrong. They visited a water hole a couple of weeks later. Around the water hole, the ground is always wet. In the video, it's hilarious to see the big and powerful cats shaking off their paws as if water is scary - I guess that getting wet wasn't on the agenda.

Check out the video if you have time. It's rare to get to see so many mountain lions together.


  1. Hari OM
    Gracious - this so very very special!!! What an exciting vid capture. YAM xx

  2. towards the end, I am wondering if the cat sniffing the air was smelling the bear that rubs on that tree... they are awesome and beautiful..

  3. That MomCat sure is incredible and raised her family up right, they are amazing.

  4. What an incredible sight to have so many kittens reach adulthood.

  5. Wow! What a skilled mother!

    Even though most cougars are shy, we're glad that you have Shyla watching your back when you're out photographing.You two are a great team in so many ways.

    Chris from Boise

  6. They look pretty darn healthy to me! Amazing animals.

  7. They are so beautiful. I guess they don't like wet feet☺

  8. Gorgeous Felines on steroids.Timing is everything out on the trail. Thank goodness your two families had excellent timing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. PS was so awe struck I forgot to say Angel Madi was so crazy. She loved the ring off 1/2 gallon jugs of milk.
    She'd drop them in her water fountain...excitedly stick her paw in to bat it around before she remembered water is WET.
    She did the exact shake.

    1. I wondered if people who have had cats in their families might have seen that shake! Hilarious Madi :)

  10. So beautiful. Wow, just wow.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. So amazing! Love the black tipped tail cub.

  12. What a wonderful family. Three little/big ones would really be a huge task for one mom cat. I hope they all continue to thrive.

  13. Incredible footage and magnificent animals. Love that paw shake. Their tails sure are long.

  14. Those are some big kittens! As I always say, you are so brave to go out there...I wouldn't be able to think about anything but those big cats! LOL
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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