Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Shyla Saturday

In everything that Shyla does, she puts her whole heart into it. When she howls, she arches her neck way back and puts all her energy into her howl.
Her enthusiasm is one of her traits that makes me love her even more. Back when she was consumed by fear, she sometimes couldn't shake her tendency to be meek. That's rare now - as you can see from her howling with all of her heart. Most of the time now, she lives with gusto and joy.

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. Such a terrific photo, we can feel the energetic howl!

  2. What A Moment In Time - The Tail, The Arch, The Backdrop - WoW

    P,S, Guess What Tomorrow Is

  3. What a great photo! Howl it out, Shyla!

  4. I can almost hear the howls.. hugs to Shyla

  5. Shyla sure is enthusiastic with that howl. We would love to see a video of this.

  6. Gusto and joy...two traits everybody can enjoy! Happy Saturday.

  7. That Shyla is one fortunate girl to have found a home where she was taught to overcome great obstacles. Kudos to you and your persistence in bringing her to such a happy place in life, giving and receiving joy in abundance. She is a heart-warming success story.

  8. We should all be like Shyla, putting all of our heart and soul into everything we do.

  9. What a wonderful success story - I think Shyla should write a book. Other owners and friends of very fearful dogs would probably benefit from reading her autobiography ("as told to") and who knows how many other dogs would benefit also? Just a thought, Shyla!

  10. I absolutely love it. I'd frame that photo and have it on my wall. Then again, I'd do that with a lot of your photos! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. OMD, that is the bestest pic!!! btw, I thought I heard somethings comin' from the east.......BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  12. That is so wonderful!
    Mabel & Hilda


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