Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thankful Thursday - For the Sibling Bond

Through everything, the friendship between Shyla and Hachi has glowed. It's based on fast-paced play outdoors. They both love it.

Every now and then, I'll be out with Shyla when we spot Hachi with the Runner. Both dogs' tails start to wag - faster and faster. Then, the play bows start. They beg to be allowed to play together. It warms our hearts.
The Hachi journey has been filled with ups and downs but I am always thankful when I see him with Shyla. He's been a huge positive influence in her life, and she is a guiding big sister for Hachi.

Thanks to Brian for hosting the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. that are such wonderful moments... they are deep in our hearts furever and ever and ever

  2. How happy they look racing together!

  3. That's a wonderful thankful. Excellent in fact.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. Happiness in playful days out there, beautiful to see them together.

  5. Shyla and Hachi are such a pleasure to see at play! You have made leaps and bounds with him...despite a few bumps
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Those two are precious - thanks for sharing these action shots they're awesome!

  7. Your sweeties always make us happy every single time we see them!

  8. Oops, forgot to say thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Shyla is a wonderful sister to bother her siblings.

  10. We are so glad these two have such a special relationship! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  11. That is great that he has one sibling he adores so much. Hopefully she will help give him confidence. Mom uses Bailie and me to help Olivia work through situations she finds scary, and it works pretty well.

  12. My heart is also warming as I read this. It's good to have a wise and playful big sister.

  13. Wonderful! So impressive seeing Shyla being such a good big sister!


  14. So wonderful to see these two play together
    Mabel & Hilda

  15. They look like they're playing tag. Too cute.


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