Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thankful Thursday - For Beauty and Better Times

Our campsite at Shyla's Mesa has so many beautiful views.We saw the crescent moon setting behind beautiful rock spires.

And we saw the Milky Way above that same cliff.

Last, but certainly not least, we saw a canine howling on Shyla's Mesa. Perhaps she was howling at the moon and the stars.

I am so thankful for having wild places like this one to visit and to dream about. I am already looking forward to visiting there in the spring. When everyday life is causing me huge anxiety, I can forget about it when we are in awe-inspiring places.

2019 has not been an easy year but we are coming out of it stronger than we started it. We understand Hachi far better, and that has made life much less stressful and happier. And, my dad is doing better, perhaps primed for better times in 2020. I didn't dare hope for such a good end of the year for my dad during the dark times earlier this year. I am so thankful.

We are linking up with Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. Hari OM
    Such beauty... it surely is a salve to sooth the aching mind and heart, is it not?! YAM xx

  2. that's so beautiful... a magic place..

  3. Wonderful thankful things and especially about your dad. Excellent.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. Those really are such terrific thankfuls and the photos are amazing. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Beautiful photos and that's great news about your dad!

  6. Your Dad will have you there for huge support and love, Shyla,R and Hachi will surge into 2020 together, the Runner will always be there too, and that outdoor arena with so much beauty will prop your heart into happiness.

  7. It's great you have such beauty around you to restore your balance when life gets tough.

  8. KB this is a beautiful....ABSOLUTELY...beautiful post.
    May 2020 bless you all with joy, peace and happier times
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Beautiful! I'm so glad you've pulled through the bad times, sending purrs and prayers for a happier new year. BTW, is it really Shyla' ridge or was Shyla named after it or do you just call it that? Whichever it is, it is spectacular!

    1. We named it "Shyla's Mesa" because she loves being up there so much. When we find a place that one of our pups especially loves, we name the place after that dog. That is why we have places named after all of our departed dogs too! It brings wonderful memories of them.

  10. So happy to hear things are looking up for your Dad. You both deserve some positive progress.

  11. Our 2019 started with much worry and fear that all worked itself out. We are so grateful to hear about your dad doing better.

    I'm so proud of you working with Hachi and keeping him. I know it isn't easy. I still want to throw in the towel with my two packs sometimes. Maturity will come. Hang in there girl, it is all worth it!

  12. I am so glad to hear your Dad is doing better!!!

  13. Beautiful pictures. All you can do is stay grateful, keep your chin up, and try to hold on as this world rapidly spins through space and time continues to run down for all of us.

  14. It warms our heart so much to hear that your Dad is doing better. It HAS been a very rough year for you. We send you wishes for a lot of happy days ahead.

  15. All those pictures are beautiful but we love the howling canine the best.

  16. Life is full of surprises and changes, not all good or bad. We are happy this year is ending on a better note for you.

  17. I love your shots of Shyla howling so much! I am so happy for you that things are finally looking up. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. We are thankful with you. And yes, these awe inspiring views of nature always lifts one's spirits.

  19. Thankful that your year is ending on a more positive and hopeful note!
    Mabel & Hilda


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