Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful that Hachi has learned his recall so well. Last summer, we decided to make teaching Hachi a very strong recall top priority. We played all sorts of recall games with jackpots of cheese for each recall.

The Runner does recalls with Hachi during their daily runs. That keeps his recall strong and sharp.

Yesterday, Hachi did a Houdini act and slipped out of the car in town, not wearing a leash and near a busy road. The Runner called Hachi, and Hachi responded with an enthusiastic recall. He snapped on the leash - and Hachi was safe.
That was a moment that made all of the work worthwhile. Hachi's strong recall probably saved his life.

It also was a moment that made me take stock of how much I've come to love this dog. I'm so thankful that he's okay.

We are linking up with Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. oh boy, we are so happy that the recall worked... that are the moments my heart slips into my pants... and howlelujah when the recall works like trained in so many hours... BRAVO!!!!!

  2. Wow, so THAT'S why Momma always practices that with me! Way to go, Hachi!

  3. I love a happy ending and this was a very happy ending.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. Thankful so much. All that training has been so worthwhile for this moment.

  5. Our worst fears. Thank doG Hachi knows his recall and is safe!

  6. Oh my goodness ::I had a gasp:: During all the work with Hachi there were hiccups but RECALL was his strong point. Sending thankful hugs too

  7. Recall is so important as you've experienced. Well done to all of you.

  8. Oh that's so scary but yes, the hard work you all have done sure paid off, way to go Hachi!

  9. What a good Hachi! You must have been so relieved, we are too - whew!

  10. This is truly a moment to be thankful for.

  11. This is the kind of scenario than makes Piper's hearing loss such a worry. She's almost always on a lead or in a big fenced area, but like Mr. Hachi Houdini, Piper can get into trouble in the blink of an eye. I'm so glad Hachi came right back!

  12. Great job, Hachi, and you and the Runner for training him so well! Like Luke, I think Hachi is very smart too; an that helps a lot when there are certain things we really need them to learn and do. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. A strong recall really is something to be thankful for. We're so glad Hachi is okay.

  14. That was great work from all of you - way to respond, Hachi!!!

  15. I'm not quite sure what a recall is, but I'm glad that it took him off the busy road. This is a fantastic image.

  16. I know those "heart stopping moments" like you had, and the relief when they come back. Truly a tribute to your training! Treats all around! :-)

  17. Yes! Recalls are so important. Thank goodness all your hard work paid off!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  18. How scary! That is great he has such a good recall.

  19. Whew...a happy ending is the exclamation point for good training in this case. Well done to you guys as well as Hachi learning this valuable command so well.


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