Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been a good couple of weeks for Hachi, despite him having to cope with the obliteration of our normal routine due to the flu. Things are very slowly returning toward normal.

We finished up our rehabilitative play course, and I learned so much. Hachi loves to play and so do I. It does seem to "lighten" Hachi's attitude toward unexpected happenings so he can think.

Daily play will stay a part of our lives, and I bet that it makes a big difference for Hachi over time.

The only "not-so-good" aspect of the past couple of weeks has been that R has accidentally wandered straight into the side of Hachi's ex pen a couple of times. It's totally due to his blindness. R gets flustered, and Hachi gets scared. I think that we've mostly solved it with a guiding runner carpet to lead R past the ex pen.

This morning, Hachi went with me for a sunrise fat bike ride. It was super cold and windy but we played a bit. Hachi glows so brightly in the sunrise light!

I had to keep him moving so that he didn't get too cold (meanwhile my fingers were turning into blocks of ice).

He's a really fun and cooperative guy. He was somewhat scared because it was so new to him. He isn't used to being out with me at sunrise. I hope that we can keep doing this occasionally so that it becomes more relaxed for him.
I am feeling quite hopeful for our Hachi. In general, I think that he's feeling a bit less worried about life.


  1. I know he will make your wish true... and to see a little progress makes our heart sing...

  2. Hachi is so very beautiful... he always looks so focused. glad he got to do the early ride with you. hugs to sweet R

  3. Hari OM
    He does actually look more relaxed in his features (as far as one can tell from an image). Hoorah for that news - and that the lurgy is finally releasing you from its grip! YAM xx

  4. We're so happy to see Hachi blossoming under your care!

  5. His coloring is beautiful - he just glows in the early sun!

  6. Hachi looks great in that low sun. We're glad to hear he continues to improve with all your hard work.

  7. That sunrise glow, beautiful. Hachi has shown t hat with time he can overcome all those earlier fears, I wonder if inside he was feeling like what we have with a panic attack? We have had a very cool start to the day down here, so unseasonable for January.

  8. Out of routine, is probably a good learning experience, too. But you can get back to playing.

  9. I'm glad you're feeling better. The pups will be most happy about that. Hachi is such a photogenic pup.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. He's making great progress. Bless you for being patient and working with him.

  11. Hi Hachi what a overall very very good report.

    I loved this line: " mostly solved it with a guiding runner carpet to lead R past the ex pen"
    You think of the best ideas!!
    Hugs cecilia

  12. We are happy to hear you were feeling up to getting out today. Hachi looks like he was quite happy with his morning fun.

  13. Yay Hachi! So very happy to hear his forward progress!

  14. What gorgeous photos of you, Hachi. Your fur is really glowing!

  15. Hachi is so handsome! We are glad it is mostly good news this week!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. That all sounds so good for Hachi, he really is such a handsome sweetie!

  17. Poor R with his loss of sight, but as long as Hatchi didn't get violent when his xpen was bumped, that is a good thing. He will be a wonderful pup with all the work you are putting in.

  18. You are doing a great job dealing with R's vision problems and Hatchi's anxiety issues. Those two things don't get well together but you make it work

  19. I was so impressed that you managed to play with Hachi daily even when down with the flu! Glad you're starting to feel better. Even an early morning fat bike ride - with camera! You're a tough one!

    Good thinking on the carpet runner!

    Chris from Boise

  20. Is the snow mostly gone? Hachi will learn to love your early morning romps together the same as Shyla.


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