Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 3, 2020

Black Dog Sunday, a day late!

Our Black Dog had a very good week in some ways. His eye pressure plummeted to low-normal after his ophthalmologist tweaked his eye drops. That means that he gets to keep his eye, at least for now. To be honest, the only reason why we celebrated was that he doesn't have to go through another surgery. We'd love him just the same even if he lost his remaining eye.

In fact, he often closes it so this is how he'd look - still very handsome in my opinion!
He is continuing to gain confidence in navigating inside the house. He walks with some speed and assertiveness. Even hard collisions with things do not slow him down. The only downside is that, when he runs into something, it's usually a "boom" of a collision. So, I've ordered him something called a "halo" for blind dogs - which will protect his face. You'll certainly see a photo in a future post.

On the less good side of the ledger, he had his "senior blood panel" which showed that he probably has an ulcer. We stopped his NSAID and put him on ulcer meds. We are hoping that it resolves quickly so that he doesn't have to go through a lot more diagnostics. His low hemoglobin might be a big part of why he seemed very off a couple of weeks ago.

No matter what, he is a happy dog. He and his sister are two peas in a pod.
So often, when I get home in the afternoon, I peek to see what they are doing. Then, I tip-toe to get my camera without waking them up. They melt my heart almost daily.

Snow is expected tomorrow, and our Black Dog LOVES that!

Happy Black Dog Day (sorry that it's a day late!).


  1. that are such sweet moments... but even when I'm as silent as a mouse , they jump up when I try to get the cam ,O)

  2. Thank doG you have the very bestest peeps always looking out for the very best for you, R. We just love the snugly photos.

  3. I love your happy black dog and that heart melting photo of them sleeping. so sweet. I looked up the halo, looks like a good idea. prayers for your black dog and his meds and vet visits.

  4. Awww, your pups are so precious. You take such great care of your babies. As it should be.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. We are cheering the good news and are crossing our paws that the bad news is resolved soon. You can tell that he and Shyla share a special bond.

  6. R is a beautiful boy, and that won't ever change. I love seeing the two of them snugged up together.
    Usually when I sneak a peek at Piper I find she has her head in the rubbish. There's nothing in there that could hurt her - there's nothing edible in there either, but she lives in hope. Mostly she likes to find pieces of paper that can be shredded and strewn about the house.
    But Piper may have a sleepover guest for a few days in late February, so maybe there'll be a cute sleeping doggos picture in her future :)

  7. I'm smiling at each word and photo. Shyla and R on the red blanket is precious
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Seeing R and Shyla together like that always warms the heart!

  9. He just grabs your heart and you fall so in love with him.

  10. How wonderful that R has sweet Shyla to keep him company and share the sunshine. I'l glad to hear his pressures are down. Hope his blood panel gets back to normal very soon.

  11. R is such a brave and sweet dog. I don't think his illnesses are bothering him but I doubt he would let you know if they did. He is here to take care of you. Such a gentle and caring boy.

  12. Glad you found out what was going on so it could be treated. You can actually get into the house without the dogs knowing? That has never, ever happened here!

  13. Poor R...there's always something! But I'm so glad he is getting around better, and hope everything else gets settled too. There is no doubt he will be handsome no matter what, and those photos of him and Shyla really are heart-melting!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


  14. Seeing images of those two just warms my heart.


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