Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, February 28, 2020

Nature Friday - Winter in the Mountains

I love the morning light in the winter especially when I enjoy it with Shyla.
I keep reminding myself of what I love about winter because it's been a period of intense winter weather. We've gotten lots and lots of snow. If I step off one of the packed trails, I fall into deep powdery snow. I have spent hours and hours working on packing down trails so that I can still ride my fat bike.

A huge positive to fresh snow is that I absolutely adore playing in fresh snow with Shyla. Her happiness is infectious!

But even Shyla doesn't love the winter wind. It has felt as if each snow storm has been followed by gale force winds. It creates huge drifts and "wind pack", making riding my fat bike on trails impossible some days.

On the positive side, that blowing snow can also be gorgeous if you're in the forest at sunrise. The world glitters in gold. It feels like the beauty cannot possibly be real.

This winter has been an exercise in focusing on the positive since this intense weather almost always has at least one good facet to it. Finding the good parts of winter has kept me smiling.


  1. The glittering snow is magical! Enjoy your beautiful snow, Shyla.

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my word - thank you for capturing that for us! YAM xx

  3. We love seeing that golden snow and seeing Shyla leaping through the snow. Right now we are having some gale force winds that have been howling for over a day and will turn to lake effect snow when the wind shifts in the right direction before the end of the day.

  4. that golden glow is stunning, I can only imagine what this looks like in real life.. Shyla is always gorgeous in sunshine.. I like that snow picture without the sun also.

  5. The golden snow photo is simply amazing. I would never had known it could look like that. Hopefully spring isn't too far away.

  6. KB you and Shyla are in your personal zone when out and about with Mother Nature. Your photos of nature and Shyla are full of love.
    Hugs to you and your pack

  7. Your photography is breathtakingly beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to all the pups. ♥

  8. Smiling here too looking at your ever wonderful photos. Winter snow has finally and belatedly arrived here in Scotland. We ALWAYS have wind!

  9. Your third photo, of the blowing snow, looks like a painting. It is surreal, and that golden glow must be magical to be out in. Yes, there is always something good to find in any season if only we stop and look for it.

  10. That natural light is just breathtaking! But the blowing cold just looks....COLD!

  11. Gorgeous winter photos today...Showcasing a bunch of Winter positivity!

  12. Gorgeous photos! That last one is spectacular!

  13. Such totally wonderful photos and we all send a howdy to beautiful Shyla!

  14. Positive in the face of a winter storm, either weather, illness, or other things that tend to overwhelm us, the beauty of nature will always prevail. Shyla, you might have been born during a snow storm maybe. And if so, was it love at first sight when you saw the snow and played out there?.

  15. Stunning photos!! Like your first commenter said, that last photo sure does look like golden fairy dust!!!

  16. I like how Shyla wears the snow. I love your pictures, as always

  17. Shyla really enjoys that snow with you. Love how happy she is.

  18. I would turn into a fat slug during your winter. I give you lots of credit for determination in being outside, moving with your pups.

  19. My favorite part of winter is how pretty it is. You got some great shots there!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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