Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thankful Thursday - For the Winter Beauty

Yesterday morning was painfully cold but gloriously beautiful with fresh snow covering the pine trees. We headed to gaze at the Continental Divide but I happened to look over my shoulder as we rolled to the lookout point. The sun was just rising.
The wicked wind was whipping from the west, and it caused snow to fly through the air, glittering in the light of the rising sun. The dramatic beauty took my breath away.

It was hard to stand and look at the mountains because the wind was so cold and powerful. It was worth it, though.

After the sun was fully up, Shyla and I played in the snow. It was our first fresh snow in quite a while, and it was welcome!

Shyla surveyed our world. She didn't sit on that exposed perch for long, though. Even she was cold.
She and I feel endless gratitude that we live in such a wild and stunning place. It may be extremely cold in that wicked wind but the freedom to run and the beauty of nature makes up for it.

We are linking up to the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. yes... that is a reason to be grateful every day... YES!!!!

  2. Brrrrrrr - you look cold sitting on your rock, Shyla. You have such a magnificent back yard to play in!

  3. We love fresh snow and getting to spend time playing in it. Your pictures are so beautiful as usual.

  4. Everything is so beautiful, especially that sweet Shyla! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. That top photo - utterly spectacular. So glad you looked back! And so glad you and Shyla didn't freeze your noses and toeses off!

    Chris from Boise

  6. Beautiful. You live is such a beautiful place. Your pups are adorable too.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. We love Shyla on her perch. What a great view she had from there.

  8. That First Photo Is Pure Magic - Fantastically Captured - Thanx So Much For Getting Up And Out So Early - I Appreciate You

    P.S. BLK Dog Would Love A Just Because Biscuit Right About Now

  9. All your pictures are breathtaking. That first one WOW!
    Hugs to you and your gal

  10. Your photos are always so beautiful - but that first one really touches me!

  11. I'm scared of heights so some of those high points Shyla sits on would freak me out! LOL. Shyla is a brave girl in that way! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. Your images are (as always) exquisite, but I have to say being on a beach with 85º F ain't too bad today. :)

  13. Lovely photographs. I can no longer tolerate such bitter cold and wind. But I understand those who love it.

  14. Lovely photos, especially that first one (it is stunning!). Being able to live in such a wild untamed and beautiful landscape is truly something to be grateful for.


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