Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, February 17, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle (with a short Black Dog update)

It has been quite a week. Just one week ago, we didn't even know that R had cancer. We got his diagnosis, he had more tests, he had surgery, he spent time in the hospital, and he's now is home. Whew, no wonder I am exhausted. He must be even more exhausted.

One good thing about having dogs in your family is that they need to play and run no matter what else is going on in your life. So, I had some fun time with Hachi this week despite all the other stress.

It snowed seemingly every other day so our world was white!

He is doing really well. It feels as if he's on the right meds for him, and he's finally relaxing. Not being on high alert all the time must feel great to him. By no means is he a normal dog but he's moving in that direction, inch by inch.

He still has the capacity to be a 10,000 Volt dog, and we see that in him every day. He adores recalls, and he runs to us as if there's a lion nipping at his heels.
On the less good side of that high intensity ledger, he has the loudest and most intense bark of any of our dogs ever. When he thinks that it's time to go outside for a hike, he blasts the inside of the house with that bark, and it's migraine-inducing. We need to figure out how to stop that.

In other news, R continues to slumber almost all of the time, as expected post-surgery. We have him wrapped in a sleeping bag, and he seems utterly content. He doesn't seem to have much pain. He's happy to go for tiny slow walks outside the house. He does want to roll in the snow - which we can't let him do. Soon, buddy, soon.


  1. wait a little while for rock n' roll R... we are glad that everything went well... and we feel the joy with your hachi... who needs a one horse open sleigh when you have a 10 k volt pup?

  2. What a week indeed. So pleased that R is content and Hachi is enjoying the snow.

  3. Hari OM
    OMD, R, could you be more handsome? Slow and steady, the snow will still be there for you to play before spring is fully sprung... like your wee brofur, who it seems has steel springs for legs!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. that photo of Hachi with paws up like a rearing horse is so beautiful. our Baby Girl had that loud bark, she could raise the rafters or bring down the roof. hugs to R and so glad he is resting in his warm sleeping bag. we talk about how our dogs have kept us heathly. the make us walk in all weather, get up and move around, let them in and out.. plus all the laughter that is good for heart, mind and soul. there is no sluffing off with dogs in the house. and times 3 makes it more

  5. Patience, R. You'll be all set when spring arrives. You make the funniest faces and keep us laughing, Hachi!

  6. It sure has been an exhausting week for all of you. We're glad to hear Hachi and R are doing well. That last picture of Hachi is priceless and made us giggle.

  7. I'm so glad that Hachi is doing so well and we're so happy that R is taking it easy during the healing process.

  8. That last photo of Hachi is amazing - I love it! Good to hear that R is healing and wanting to do his normal things.

  9. Incredible Photos!! Love How You Are Able To Capture Their Character And/Or Spirit. And If Thats A Recent Photo Of BLK Dog, He Looks Gr8!! Well, The Snow On His Head Helps. Sending Healing Vibes & Thanx For Always Being There For Those Pups.


    1. It is a photo of R from just before surgery. He had not yet been out very much since surgery. He's not allowed to get his incision wet which is a problem with how much snow we have!

  10. Hachi is a handsome pup. Love the action shots.

    Great news on R. He'll be back out and about in no time.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups and very gentle ones to R. ♥

  11. Thanks so much for sharing your story, I do appreciate it. It helps me to hear about Hachi and the great work you are doing with him. I definitely have similar issues with my Luca. He has just started Paxil, and your comment about the bark made me laugh at the similarity. Take it easy now, you deserve a rest after the very difficult week with R.

  12. Description of Hachi "10,000 Volt dog" he needs to be the new spokesdog for Everyready batteries.
    R...what a treat to have a warm sleeping bag and a devoted sis to keep you warm and cozy
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. Animals, pets and others needing food, walks, hay fed out or anything else, makes us realise that each day will continue no matter what else is happening in our lives. So good that all with R did happen quickly, and home is the best for all recovery, with so much love and car right on hand. Shyla will continue to give him close contact, and that will be a HUGE help. XXX from a slightly cooler morning here, so many places in real drought, we still have a water supply, not sure for how long,Rain forecast for today.

  14. You have had a stressful time and a playful young dog is such good medicine. About 20 years ago, we had a dog that had similar issues to those that Hachi has, but our vet didn't suggest medication. And we didn't know or think of it. Now I wish we had, it would have made his life and ours so much better.

  15. BOL! He is 'by no means a normal dog'....should be the caption for the third photo! Lots of laughs here this morning.

  16. One step at a time, Black Dog! You will get stronger!

    I hope the Coriolus gets there quickly and will help.

    Wonderful Hachi pics!

  17. That third shot of Hachi made me laugh!!! Just wonderful!
    Continuing to pray for R! Get lots of rest, sweet boy!
    KZK with Cam and Mags

  18. If you figure out how to get Hachi not to bark, let me know. Xena's is shrill and often. It certainly has been a whirlwind of a week. Hopefully things will stay settled down for a while and get easier for all.

  19. Here's to snow rolling soon! I know all about those loud barkers. Nothing like being woken up by a baritone dog bark. 🐶

  20. So happy to hear these updates :)
    I understand very well about the migraine-triggering bark, but with Piper it's not volume as much as pitch - in fact, the painfully shrill bark of Puppy Piper was how she got her name! KB, I doubt I can suggest anything you don't already know better than I about training, but I'll mention this because it's worked so well for me over the years, and with multiple dogs: I always teach a dog to "speak" on command (Piper has both a verbal command and a hand signal for it). Once they've got that, it's been miraculously simple to teach them "no speak."

  21. It is awesome to see Hachi doing well. We will keep praying for R, He is a champion.

  22. Glad R is doing alright. He is such a sweet soul and doesn't deserve all of this, but we never have a choice in what happens to any of us. Glad Hatchi is doing well and having lots of fun.

  23. I can imagine what a stressful week it was. I'm glad Hachi is coming along well, but he's always going to come up with something else to work on, isn't he? I just know that's how it is with Luke. He barks a lot too but it's not too bad and he doesn't usually carry on too long. Just to give you a smile - worse for us is our guinea hens. If you get in an enclosed area with them, like the coop or the garage, and they all start squawking....yikes! I have to get out of there as quick as I can!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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