Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Winter Miracle

Four years ago, my trail cam was witnessing a winter miracle deep in our forest. I'd stumbled upon a bear den back in 2010, and a bear sow had occupied it starting in the fall of 2015. She spent the start of the winter quietly inside the den, not venturing outside for months.

Then, in late January, she had a burst of activity, taking a couple of little walks just outside the den in one day. That night, she never really settled down. My cam captured her looking around and moving restlessly in the darkness.

The next morning, the reason for her restlessness became obvious. Two cubs were bawling inside the den! They'd been born overnight.

I want to share that video - because it was one of the more inspiring ones that I've captured. I still have a cam at the den but the den is empty this year. So far, bears have occupied it twice since I found it, in 2009-10 and 2015-16. I am hoping for occupant in upcoming years.

Enjoy the video!


  1. What a great memory. We hope you get another resident in the den soon.

  2. My goodness me something I can only see here thanks to your wonderful trail cams
    Hugs cecilia

  3. I did not know they have cubs in snow and winter.. I hope those babies are still around and having babies of their own by now.. so sweet

  4. I guess inside the den it is warm and snug, and her thick fur gives the cubs a wonderful wrap against the cold, as I translate the F temps to our Celsius, freezing. I can imagine your joy as you retrieve those cam cards, and see the video. I wonder where the family is this year, and if there is another generation.

  5. It's fascinating how tentative and watchful the mother bear is when she first emerge from the den. Thanks for another wonderful wildlife video.
    Cheers, Gail.

  6. Enjoyable today as it was back then. Great video capture.

  7. We remember that footage and those cubs. Hope the den is used again soon for more cubs.

  8. This is an absolutely amazing video!

  9. So cool. I just love your videos!

  10. Thanks for re-sharing - that is a time we remember fondly. It was so much fun to watch the Mama Bear and her babies as they grew bigger.

  11. How exciting to get to observe all that. Thanks for sharing!!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  12. So precious. The gift of life. I hope they have a long and happy life.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. Isn't that something! It's awesome you were able to locate the den and then to capture the video. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Oh, I loves this video! And I always give a growl when I hears the cubs cryin'! Ma says they aren't in the puter screen, so it's okays ☺
    Ruby ♥

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  16. Your trail cams capture some wonderful moments. Amazing how you have had them placed in the right spot so many times.

  17. you find such wonderful things to film!


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