Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog was smoothly sailing forward, walking a little further each day and re-finding his exuberance.
Then, yesterday, he had a set-back. We're not sure why or what it was exactly. He was hit with an upset tummy and the shakes. We checked everything that we knew how to test like his gum color (to assess whether he might have internal bleeding), his pulse, and his temperature. Nothing obvious jumped out as wrong so we let him rest rather than taking him to the emergency vet.

It seemed that he needed some rest and TLC from his sister. She melts my heart.

By this afternoon, he was eager to hike with the pack. He rolled in the snow numerous times and caught up on all of the canine gossip. He kept up with the others so I didn't need to turn back early with him. We were all smiling!
He seems to be back to where he was before that little setback. It scared us primarily because we don't know what to expect.

The bottom line is that our Black Dog is happy today, and we are filled with gratitude for each joyful day with him.


  1. Hari OM
    It happens to oldie-peeps too. Like a switch is turned off. Forty winks and it's all good again! Blessings for shared days. YAM xx

  2. We are so happy that snuggling with Shyla made you feel better, R! Have a sensational Sunday and Happy March!

  3. I sure hope the set back was like when we get a bad day and don't feel right.. POTP for R and for all of you.. he is so handsome

  4. We're sorry he had that little setback, but relieved he came through it and is better now. Hope that continues. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  5. I stumbled across your blog last year and check it out everyday. Love it. I too, have an older dog which has COPD. We love every day that we get to spend with him. He does better in cold weather so now he is at his best. Thank you for sharing your story.

  6. I know how those set backs can be, but I'm glad he's made up those steps and was feeling better by the end of the day. I hope today that continues. All the best to you all in your time zone.

  7. We're glad to hear R is doing well. Shyla's love surely helped him feel better.

  8. I know how frightening not to be able to determine what might be going on - it's one of the worst feelings in the world. I'm glad he's overcome his set back and had a wonderful at the park!

  9. Glad R is feeling himself again after a little wobble - I know how it is, R! :)

  10. Hey R and Shyla....my heart melts Shyla knows exactly what to do and R has 100% confidence in her TLC
    Hugs to you all

  11. If only they could talk, he and his sister, love will give R the assurance he needs to be well again.

  12. We're so glad he returned to normal and we know that had to be scary for all of you. Great job sweet Shyla.

  13. my old heart always skips and waits... until I read he is better.
    how I love these dogs. what a blessing they are. to each other. to Hachi. and to you. and finally to us! XO

  14. Scary. I'm delighted the episode was short-lived and R is back to where he was before.

  15. We all have mornings like that--but it is scary with a dog who has health issues.. Glad Shyla's nursing got him back on his feet.

  16. It would be so scary to have a setback. I'm so glad he came out of it. Shyla's love so sweet to see in your photos.

  17. That had to be scary! I'm so thankful he's back to where he was before the setback!

  18. So glad R is feeling better.
    Mitzie had 2 seizures this week:(
    Breaks my heart when our kids are sick.

  19. Fur nurse mates and extra rest are often the best medicine.

  20. What A Wonderful Post - A Happy BLK Dog Is A Happy House Hold - And Loved That Photo Of Him From 7 Days Ago - Well, I Appreciate ALL Of The Moments In Time You Capture - Well Done



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