Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thankful Thursday

In light of all that's happening in the world, I am endlessly thankful for the peacefulness of the world where we live. It seems that we will be staying home for a while, waiting out the pandemic. We will still be going out into our forests and mountains daily because that feels very safe.

I hope that all of you are staying safe. I'm glad that we have our online friendships in this tough time. I am very interested to hear how each of you is doing and whether you are hunkered down at home like we are.

We will be joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. we hope that this is not the last stand like the one in mr. kings story...

  2. Hari OM
    We had snow in our garden in Edinburgh this morning. Nothing like yours though! We have to get out and about later - but hopefully the sun will have melted it all by then. The wind has spikes though... YAM xx

  3. GM KB - here in Maryland, we do have cases on the virus. My husband is 64 and prone to respiratory illnesses so we are avoiding large gatherings and just enjoying our little pack at home with Indy. It is scary but we are a strong nation and we will be just fine. I work for a government agency (SSA) and they just reduced our telework days from 2 a week to one a week. We are all hoping they will go back to 2 days a week to minimize close contact with each other. We shall see!

    Stay safe everyone.

  4. Thanks for sharing that beautiful landscape with us, and thank you for your good wishes.

  5. What a gorgeous photo! Other than the grocery store and any appointment that we can't avoid, we will stay happy at home.

  6. You do have a beautiful place to wait out the virus storm. The Mom and Dad are still out n' about some since there hasn't been any problems in our immediate area, but if that changes they'll probably be home for the long haul. Y'all take care. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  7. Beautiful place you have. I so enjoy your posts.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Hey dear ones!!!
    THE GROCERY STORE WAS A ZOO, MANY SHELVES EMPTY!! I bought extra frozen veggies. Every few weeks I buy economy pack p.chops. There are 10 to a pack 3.99 lb. I paid $7.43. So this was the week for that. Last week 93% hamburger was on sale bought 2 packs. Hubby is not much of a chicken guy except for BBQ. P.Chops are his other white meat. As for our outings we walk every morning OUTSIDE at the mall, we are 100% avoiding crowds. NC State, Duke Carolina (in our area) and other UNC System Universities in other cities have canceled classes until at least 3/23. Online only. Washing hands a LOT!!
    You 5 stay well ...hugs

    1. It's the same here. Shelves empty. Universities closed. All festivals etc canceled. But, the public schools are still open but rumors say that they are closing friday!? Crazy times.

  9. Our supermarket shelves are still full of almost everything, apart from the real deal hand sanitiser, with over 66% isopropyl alcohol.And that is the one item not available anywhere near us, there is some one hour away in a hardware store. Meanwhile we wash our hands, singing silently all the time, two chorus of Row,row,row your boat or similar. I wish we lives somewhere so remote, A friend ( we have been friends now for over 66 years) has had to cancel her 80th birthday party in April, as retirement villages are bot having any gatherings in that place, and if any resident comers back from overseas, even Australia, they have to isolate for 14 days. Our health minister says the dept has been treating this aggressively since January. However someone flew back from Iran, then tested positive, and a person flew back from Italy, went on to have 2 internal flights in NZ, one to an airport near us, and was then also positive. I am sure the travel ban will cause HUGE problems everywhere, and I am also guessing maybe the Olympics will be cancelled. Meanwhile, KB, and all at your home, stay safe, stay isolated ( for how long>?) . We have had to say NO to two from Australia who have wanted to stay with us in April.Not them, but who might have been in contact with them, it is so sad to be so suspicious.Life is fragile for everyone right now, and if I was in Italy, and became ill, they would not give me the care needed, as they truly do not have the extra resources needed , the hospitals are so overcrowded, and the younger ones are their priority.

  10. These are indeed strange times at the moment. Stay safe and take care, Mxx

  11. We tend to be a self-isolating household usually--just forays to the river or other walks--so it isn't a problem for us.

  12. We are lucky that things are fairly quiet here in NH. We are out and about as normal, which for us is not all that much anyway. We are always happy to be home and safe in our little world. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. The only time I am leaving the house is for my weekly chemotherapy and doctor appointments. I have curtailed my exercise walks in the library or grocery store. I'm not going to take a chance, especially with my weakened immune system from the chemo.

  14. Even in our remote area of California, events have been cancelled and people are pretty much staying home...the grocery stores are still stocked with food and such...its mostly water and toilet paper that seem to be in short supply(along with hand sanitizer). Luckily we have lots of trails to walk and forests to roam without having to worry about COVID.
    Stay safe!

  15. The stores were packed the past couple of days and I had to resort to ordering toilet paper online (it's coming today and I had a coupon so I wasn't paying over market cost). We're prepared to hang out at home as much as possible.

  16. That moon shot is really fabulous! It's unbelievably crazy down the hill. Everyone seems to have lost their mind, replacing it with hoarder style shopping. Hydrogen peroxide, wipes, bleach, and toilet paper are sold out everywhere. The first 3 items I understand, but toilet paper? While picking up a prescription, I saw a guy leave the store with 5 humongous bags of dog food yesterday. Maybe he has a kennel but suspect he is part of the rest of the people who have completely gone off the rails. Enjoy the peace up your way. ☮️

    1. Yes, off the rails. Who knows what will happen? I am glad to have the forest to retreat to.

  17. We too are grateful for all our blogging pals like you. As we are both in the higher risk population, we are limiting our outings and doing our best to stay safe. It is times like these that we find our pups especially comforting.

  18. Listen...

    This may sound kind of creepy, and maybe even kind of "supernatural"

    HOW would you like it if you could simply click "Play" and LISTEN to a short, "miracle tone"...

    And miraculously attract MORE MONEY into your life??

    I'm talking about thousands... even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!!!

    Think it's too EASY?? Think something like this is not for real???

    Well, I've got news for you.

    Usually the largest blessings life has to offer are the easiest to RECEIVE!!!

    Honestly, I'm going to provide you with PROOF by letting you PLAY a real-life "miracle money tone" I've synthesized...

    YOU simply click "Play" and watch money coming right into your life... starting pretty much right away...

    CLICK here now to PLAY this magical "Miracle Wealth Building TONE" - it's my gift to you!!!

  19. We are sick and tired of the total panic the media is causing. So far nothing much has changed for us although we expect a lot of our sports events will be cancelled soon.

  20. As usual, what a beautiful picture. We don't have a lot of choice about avoiding social gatherings. Our church services stopped, our dance was cancelled, Rock City - where the hubby was supposed to host Shamrock City - closed, and we both work from home. Good thing we like each other! And the first case of the virus was diagnosed in our city yesterday.

  21. We're hunkered down in Boise, with the first local case reported yesterday. Dogs + hikes + texting + online friends = joy. We are concerned not only about our medically frail population, but also the homeless, the service industry and farmworkers, and the migrant and refugee camps around the world. So we're making donations to non-profits both locally and internationally to the best of our ability.

    Hard as it is on local businesses, schools and organizations which have had to cancel events and classes, we are so glad that they are doing so pre-emptively in hopes of stopping this before it really gets traction. These certainly are interesting times!

    Cheers (?),
    Chris from Boise

  22. Beautiful shot! I'm home now and will be staying home as much as possible over the next few weeks. I'm hopeful that this virus will be contained and we'll get past this awful situation as soon.

    Take care!


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