Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, April 24, 2020

Nature Friday - Desert Beauty and Bear Cubs Play

We love visiting the desert in April but, alas, that hasn't happened this year. For that reason, I've been motivated to go through my photos from past years and find the ones that I never finished processing.

The desert rock forms inspire me. I can gaze at them for hours, never tiring of how the sky and light change over the course of a day.

As the sun falls toward the horizon, I love to play with our pups. Our Black Dog probably won't run like this again because he's become completely blind since our last visit there. That makes the images of our Duo chasing each other across the sky so precious to me.

Although the desert in April is warm or even hot, winter has not ended at our home in the mountains. Indeed, it is the time when Mama Bears are supervising their new cubs as they first learn to walk and climb outside the den. That is happening nearby every single year but, one year, I happened to have a trail camera recording a family's play. If you feel like some fun viewing, check out this video from exactly four years ago.


  1. love it!!!! it seems nature takes a deep breath this time and we can see wonderful things...

  2. I'm wondering what is going through Mother Bear's head as she sits there so quietly while her two adorable cubs romp around.

    1. I wonder exactly the same thing. I think that she's mainly thinking of protecting them, not letting them fall or letting any predator get to them. But, who knows? She's the mama.

  3. that first photo is perfection to me.. the rocks and sky and Shyla howling on the see saw rock. wow! glad you processed it for us.... back in 1984 while driving for JB Hunt, we drove through Wyoming, Utah, and I saw rocks like these for the first and only time in my life. i had no camera. they were awesome and oh so beautiful. this earth is stunning if we look at it

  4. What great memories of the desert and the mom and her cubs. Momma bear seems to have lots of patience with those two.

  5. The cubs are so cute...and so noisy!

    I agree with Sandra, the first photo is just perfect and so poignant too.

  6. I love the red rocks in your beautiful State.
    I giggled when the mischievous cub swatted mom on the chin. He will need to learn not to poke the (mama) bear
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. The cubs are so precious and what a good mama bear she is! What gorgeous photos from your desert trip!

  8. Love all the shots especially the first one. Awesome.

    Love the video. Those babies are growing so well.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. The rock outlines and the doggies there are inspiring, and will give us all a much needed boost to our minds and spirits. Just looking at them tells me nature is a miracle, and to see R there, a loving memory, you had the most amazing and wonderful times in your part of the world.And still do, just in another softer, slower ,more gentle way.

  10. Love that Shyla photo and those bears are sure something!

  11. I love those rocks. They are so big, so magnificent and majestic, and energy just seems to emanate from them when you are standing next to them. Rock Experiences are some of my most enduring joyful memories of my visits to your lovely country :)

  12. Not everyone is into photos, but Mom loves them because they are something you will always have to remember things that are no more. Sometimes they make her really sad, but in time, they make her smile.

  13. Watching those babies and how patient the mom is was adorable. Love your desert images-they're so beautiful.

  14. We know you must miss your desert so much, especially with winter lingering so long this year. We hope you can get back there soon. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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