Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, April 6, 2020

The Meadows Burst with Spring and Bear Cubs Play

Look who arrived yesterday! It's the first of our tree swallows to occupy a favorite aspen grove of theirs. They are such social birds that it was extremely odd to see a loner. He must be the fastest flyer among his flock.
The look that he gave me made me wonder if he remembered me from last year. I stalk them with my camera every year!

These two were nearby too. Every year, the Mountain Bluebirds claim the nest holes in the towering aspen trees very early in the spring.

Then, the tree swallows arrive and kick out the bluebirds. The bluebirds stay in the meadow but in less popular nest holes. This swallow is already eyeing the most sought after nest hole in a big aspen. It is the first one to be claimed, year after year.

While the mountain meadows are filled with spring birds, the deep forests still have deep snow. Bear sows with new cubs are definitely still in their dens. The cubs are starting to find their walking and climbing legs. They need to do lots of practicing of clambering and climbing around the forest before they can leave the den with their mom in May. Four years ago, it was such a blast to watch the cubs emerge around now.

If you have time, check out video. These are my favorite videos from my trail cams. I hope that they make you smile!


  1. Beautiful pictures of beautiful birds. Especially love the one of the tree swallow checking out the nesting hole :)

  2. The wonders of spring. Beautiful. Love the cubs. So adorable.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  3. Tree swallows are a favorite of mine too but we don't get any in our yard. That is probably a good thing as the bluebirds have enough competition with the wrens. I love looking back and seeing how the bear family did that year in the den.

  4. the cubs are amazing, digging out of snow at such a young age. so cute and sweet. mama has a tough job locked in the den with them.

  5. Such beautiful birds and fun bears too! Stay safe, healthy and virus-free.

  6. Hari OM
    The birds made my heart sing - and of course always love your bear movies! YAM xx

  7. Spring is such a wonderful time of year! I don't know if you have woodcocks in your area, but Luke found a nest of one in our woods on a walk yesterday (they nest on the ground). I was afraid he'd scared the mama off, but hubby and I went and checked later and she was back on the nest. She was really hard to spot, we got close to her (accidentally) but she still stayed right on the nest. It was so cool, they are really a very pretty bird.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  8. We have some sort of swallow(s) that have appeared in the past week. We usually see and hear them in the evening.

  9. The birds are just beautiful and the cubs - so adorable!

  10. We don't see bluebirds much around here, they are so pretty. Can't wait for the bears to wake up and come out this spring. They are always so fun to watch.

  11. Wow...those meadow birds are all beautiful! Have never seen a tree swallow before. Gorgeous!

  12. How exciting to see birds out and about on beautiful sunny days! Thanks for the beautiful reminder that Spring will be here soon!

  13. I've never seen a tree swallow - what a pretty bird! The cubs made me laugh, especially when the little guy was too afraid to drop. So darn cute!

  14. Love the birds. But feel sorry for the blue birds being turfed out of their nest. The cubs are always cute.

  15. Those beautiful feathers, nature gives us such delight. And cubs heralding the beginning of a new season.

  16. KB you have totally entertain us today..
    Hugs to you, runner, and the PupTrio

  17. We love the photos of the birds. They really must be the fastest flyer to be from the flock. The video of the bear cubs is just too cute. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  18. All the birds are beautiful, but we are very partial to those bluebirds:) And oh yes, keep those cub videos coming - we love them.


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