Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

For our Black Dog, life is cruising along. He seems happy and peppy. He love his daily run with his sister and the Runner. Prior to his surgery. he frequently said "no" to running. That never happens now.

He adores his sister. They love playing the game of "balance treats on your nose" side-by-side. Our Black Dog is an imp. Sometimes, as I back away from them, he jumps the "start" word because he wants his treats NOW (see the photo). He makes me laugh. Based on the look on Shyla's face, she can't believe his behavior.

He's getting more confortable with being blind. We still frequently have to lead him from one place to another in the house but we're learning to let R make mistakes and correct them on his own. He's learning from them, and he's making some notable progress in navigating.

Every evening when we prepare for our hike, he makes the journey to the front door all by himself. I know that sounds like a mundane achievement but it's not. He hasn't done that walk by himself in the months since he lost the last of his vision - until this week!

Our Black Dog and his sister love their snuggle time. This is how I often find them when I arrive home.
All is good in the Black Dog world. He's a happy dog, learning to thrive despite his blindness.

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. Hari OM
    Two simply gorgeous images for the annals!!! YAM xx

  2. A happy and healthy black dog! What ore could anyone want! He does seem to be coping well with the blindness.

  3. I believe Shyla knows her brother is blind and wants to take care of him. laying together is heart melting. too funny on getting his treats quickly

  4. Your happiness makes my heart sing, R♥

  5. To be happy and peppy. What more could one ask?

  6. They look so content together. I laughed at the first photo, R is a scamp!

  7. It's so good to hear that R is doing so well. That last picture always makes us smile.

  8. oh my. no words good enough. XOXOXO

  9. R is truly an inspiration for all of us!!!

  10. Best feel-good story this week! Way to go, R! Keep up the great work.

  11. KB this post and pictures have made my heart sing just absolutely precious....
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Just as we humans do when life changes our direction, R has adapted so well, and with the love and care he receives in abundance, he will always do his best every day. They are adorable together, soaking up the love and sunshine.

  13. Humans could learn a lot from R's resilience!!! We love that last photo.

  14. Looks like he's getting more comfortable with his blindness, feels better, and is getting great support from his Mom and his 4-legged sister.

  15. Oh, you melt my heart R!!! And Shyla, that pic is just hilarious!!!! (pees: I would be like R....☺)
    I am so happy abouts your progress R ~ I am loving all the progress you and your pack is making ♥
    Ruby ♥

  16. Too Funny - Treats Make Everything Better - Love Those Cuddle Puddle Moments - Thank You For Sharing Such Heartwarming Photos - Well Done


  17. Shyla's expression to R cheating is hysterical!!


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