Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 15, 2020

Nature Friday - A Bluebird and a Wildlife Bonanza

The meadows are alive with birds while the forests are barely waking up.

In the meadows, the mountain bluebirds are industriously working on nests inside of tree cavities. The couples hang out in close proximity to each other.

The nest building duties seem to fall to the female. She busily flies back and forth, collecting nest materials as her mate looks on. She is a gorgeous bird!

In contrast to the meadows where spring is in full swing, the forests are barely waking up. In the midst of towering pines, the snow melted only about a week ago. Snow drifts linger in the midst of the matted down ground that has just been uncovered. In one such place, I had a trail camera all winter long. I recently visited it to see what animals had passed it over the winter. I was quite amazed by the variety of animals from huge mammals to small birds. It was an active place!

Check out the short video if you have time. And don't be startled - there is a surprise moment in it!


  1. ooh the bluebird!!! that sure was a surprise... the mama looked for every detail, but the surprise came another way ;O)))

  2. I jumped during the video, got such a fright! LOL not what I expected :)

  3. Hari OM
    LOL - what fun to see all these - again I thank you for making these efforts to record your environment and then share it with us! YAM xx

  4. What a beautiful surprise! Love your mountain bluebirds.

  5. the mama blue bird is just too cute for words and i love that wingspan.. fine example of a bobcat

  6. Wow, that did indeed give us quite a fright!

  7. Wow! Dusky/blue grouse? How amazing to catch one displaying! You are a whiz at trail cam sites.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Yes, a dusky grouse! You know your birds!

  8. KB and family....what a gorgeous post...love the capture of the bird's wings spread out and the VIDEO. That was a big bird..was it a grouse?
    Clapping and standing ovation
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Yes, the first grouse was a female. The male swooped in doing a mating display and scared the girl off!

  9. That was a fun video and such pretty birdies!

  10. Are those wild turkeys? And were those the two cubs from last year? I remember there was one that was black and the was brown.
    The bluebirds are so pretty! Have a great weekend.

  11. It's always a wildlife bonanza here and I enjoy it very much.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. The Bobcat at the start, so beautiful as he stretches, then the startling part, good place for an ambush. I am thinking of your excitement as you saw all the clips for the first time, what a delight, and a super place for your trailcam to be.

  13. I love the beauty of the animals of the forest. Thank you for taking the time and having the knowledge to share them with your blogger friends.

  14. I was waiting for the lion to jump at that bird....not another bird...LOL!

  15. We so enjoy your videos. They are so real, we feel like we are right there hiding. We were hoping the surprise was going to be a glimpse of Tiny:( But those turkeys sure did give us a start!

  16. We really enjoy this "nature highway" and even though you warned us, I was still startled LOL.

  17. What great captures you had at that camera. Quite a variety of creatures. We loved seeing the grouse display.

  18. Big cats and little birds on your page and they all get along.

  19. Wow, that's a lot of traffic on your trail! Especially loved seeing the bobcat traipsing through.


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