Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, May 8, 2020

Nature Friday - Wildlife cope with deep snow all winter long

There are places in our forest where the snow gets very deep in the winter because so little sun reaches them. I had a cam in one of those places for the winter. I didn't expect much wildlife to choose to go there when the snow was so deep. I was wrong. There was a steady stream.

A mountain lion in deep snow at mid-day.

I don't know why this coyote chose this route!

A mountain lion almost swimming through the deep snow.

And a moose during a brief reprieve from the snow.

I made a short video of the coyote, mountain lions, bobcats, deer, moose, and a skunk who trudged through the deep snow past my cam.


  1. Brave, determined, and maybe impervious to the frigid air and cold feet. What a variety, and all with thick winter coats on, guess they have to be out and about to get the food. I can imagine your delight as you saw this for the first time.

  2. love the moose, they are such impressing animals... wsh they would live here too :O)

  3. I think as soon as there's a path - or even a row of footprints - other animals tend to use that route. I imagine it's a strategy that can have mixed results.
    I remember when a forester and I left the first footprints in snow as we walked in to an inventory plot, and when we walked back out a couple of hours later, a moose had walked in our earlier footprints even though a moose could have walked easily anywhere it chose - more easily than we did, I bet.

  4. Hari OM
    A path well trod!!! YAM xx

  5. Some of those drifts are deep! We like that the skunk chose the shallower path.

  6. critter parade, love it. the lion could walk under the legs of the moose easily... this is how they make those paths through the forest, only snow now

  7. I so enjoy your videos. It's so interesting to see the various animals in their natural habitat.

  8. They actually did pretty good considering how deep that snow is!

  9. Beautiful. You live in a slice of heaven.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. KB no matter how many times I see your wildlife cams...I am still in awe of the critters in your 'back yard'
    Hugs cecilia

  11. Fascinating. I was thinking that an animal might avoid deep snow if possible as it could be harder to escape from a predator? But apparently this is not the case.

  12. Perhaps the snow is slightly less deep next to the trees...at least there is cover.

  13. That sure is a well traveled path. There sure was quite a variety of animals too.

  14. Bet those animals wished someone would shovel them a path:)

  15. Do the animals get together and say "Snow, this time of year?"

  16. OMD, I loves all those furries! The mountain lions are so magnificent! Oh, and Ma said she smelled a skunk this morning...I wonder....hehehee
    Ruby ♥

  17. That's a time when it pays to be lightweight like a skunk or bobcat! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. That snow is just insane! But very beautiful.


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