Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Thankful Thursday

My gratitude for the arrival of springtime is endless. There is green in our world!

This was from a trip to the south in May a couple of years ago. I seemed to spend a lot of my time looking srtaight up toward the sky while standing in the midst of towering aspens - my photo library is full of the images. I guess that the wonder of green leaves has captured my attention yearly!

Most years in May, we get a surprise snow storm, reminding us of who is in charge. Look at how snowy the mountains were as Shyla peeked at me. It will be winter up in the alpine zone for a long time. So far, the sneaky snow storms are not in the forecast.
On this Thankful Thursday, I am so grateful for springtime. I am sitting on my deck as I type this. I can see my greenhouse which is popping with salad greens that we are already able to harvest. The season of warmth and plenty is upon us.

We are linking up with the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. I love the tree photo... it has something from hope and eternity and it makes my heart sing!!

  2. Those are all great things to be thankful for. We're finally getting lots of green leaves popping out here too.

  3. Isn't it wonderful when the first step to making a meal is going outside to your garden?

  4. Ohhh what wonderful photos looking up and peep eye Shyla
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Love the photo looking up into those tall trees, looks amazing!

  6. I love all the photos! Glad to hear the green is starting to show up there!.

  7. Spring is a magical time. My favorite season. You captured spring wonderfully.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. We love those trees and the peek-a-boo Shyla too! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Wow - those Aspens are really tall! Enjoy all of your yummy salads!

  10. amazing photos...love all

    Have a great day

  11. I love aspens and you have taken a gorgeous looking-at-the-sky photo with them. I get dizzy looking up like that, but still do it LOL. Great to hear spring is finally arriving at Your Place :) xx

  12. We were just commenting the other night how lovely it is to see everything so green. When we look out our back windows, we can see at least 15 different shades of green. It would be nice if it could last through the summer. But the heat does a number on the green spaces:(

  13. Oh, how I wish there were snow here....it's gonna be near 100 by Sunday. sigh. Miss winter already ☺
    You are lookin' adorables Shyla!
    Ruby ♥

  14. That last photo is fabulous! Glad Sunday is cooler; I'm already over the heat.


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