Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

It's been a good week for Hachi. He is doing all sorts of things well, including seeing friendly people on the trails or even on the road near our house. His and Shyla's friendship continues. I hope it stays strong forever.
He had no bad episodes with R. And, his counterconditioning for handling his paws is continuing to work. It feels as if it's been going on forever (the paw counterconditioning) but his sudden bad session that included growling about 4 weeks ago made me realize that we need to make all "handling" of Hachi a very slow and ongoing process. So, we keep doing it every day.

Also, through happenstance, Hachi is no longer very afraid of my bike. Sometimes I see him and the Runner out on the trails when our routes cross. Hachi is happy to see me, and he runs over to say hi or even to run along side my bike. It's happened close to ten times now, and I see very little sign of worry about my bike in him now. Sometimes, things can improve without a lot of hard work!

A year ago, we were in that wonderful warm place called the desert. Hachi is not a cold-weather dog. He has a thin coat, and he absolutely loves basking in the warm sun. I'd been looking forward to taking the improved Hachi there this spring. By "improved", I mean that he is usually happy to meet new people as long as they act friendly, which would have made traveling far more relaxed for him. Ah well - maybe he'll get that chance in the fall.

This is one of my favorite photos of him, taken last April.
Hachi is happy right now, and that's good enough for me.


  1. that are super news and they make a good start into a new week.. with a smile ;O)

  2. He might well be saying " Let's live here always ", a real sun lover, and his coat glows,

  3. Hari OM
    Take what you can, for sure!!! Goreous boy. YAM xx

  4. Such A Pup Last April - Beautiful Photos As Always - Happy May the 4th Be With You

    P.S. When You See BLK Dog's Tail Wagging, Please Give Him A Just Because Treat From Uncle T

  5. We're happy that Hachi is happy too. It's great to hear he is doing so well this week.

  6. I could write a comment but you said it best
    "Hachi is no longer very afraid of my bike. Sometimes I see him and the Runner out on the trails when our routes cross. Hachi is happy to see me, and he runs over to say hi or even to run along side my bike."
    This makes me happy...one day at a time...
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. It's wonderful that Hachi has made some great strides. He's a lucky pup to be with you.

  8. So glad to hear this! Luca was on Paxil, then the dose was increased and he got worse. Now he is off the Paxil and more relaxed with strange people, not clear yet regarding strange dogs. Still in assessment mode.

  9. He's one gorgeous dog! Your pictures are great too and I'm glad to hear that Hachi is doing well. You have put in so much work and I always think of how lucky he is to have met up with you.

  10. We're so glad to read about a happy Hachi, it makes all of us smile!

  11. Yay, Hachi! What a gorgeous warm photo of you in the desert!

  12. What a sweet image of your dear boy. I've learned these rescued pups are a lifetime commitment of working with him. And you're doing an amazing job!

  13. Hachi is a very photogenic pup. I'm glad all is well.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  14. We always love hearing how Hachi is faring!! Seems like all our 2020 travel plans for the Spring and Summer have been quashed...Here's hoping for some Fall fun!

  15. He's happy, and seems to be behaving well...so just enjoy.

  16. A good week is a great sign. And oh yes, that photo is just so special.

  17. You have done a remarkable job with Hachi and all your dogs.

  18. I LOVE that last picture of Hachi. you can still very much see the puppy in him! xoxo

  19. Oh, that is such good news! I am doin' happy dances, and Ma is wondering if she will ever be able to do my nails.....BOL!
    Ruby ♥

  20. So nice to have good weeks! You and Hachi have had a lot of them recently. It's excellent that you can get past the 'hiccups' and continue forward. Good work!

    Chris from Boise

  21. Oh, that photo is priceless! We are so glad Hachi had a good week - it's a testament to all your hard work and dedication. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  22. It's wonderful he is doing so much better again. We hope it continues.


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