Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Wordless Wednesday - Signs of Spring

Tree swallow couples working out their differences

Pasqueflowers reaching for the sky

And, most years, pups playing on Shyla's Mesa in the desert


  1. beautiful... the pasque flowers have something so special... they look a little like the howly gral ;O)

  2. Huzzah for signs of Spring! We've been having nights in the 20s for the past week or so, but after tonight it's "supposed" to get warmer. The hummingbirds that arrived yesterday will probably be relieved to hear it, poor little things. I went out at dawn today to make sure they weren't trying to get a drink through a layer of ice in their feeder.

  3. Beautiful signs of spring. Spring is my favorite season.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. Little Puppy Hachi airborne! xoxo

  5. Oh yes true signs. The tree swallows are too funny. Wonder who won?
    Go Hachi
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. i am thinking those birds are named Bob and Sandra... love the leaping HACHI

  7. You are in the season now, and soon there will be warmer days , when you ca ride to the tops again. Beautiful flower close-up

  8. I forgot, I call them :" Neck warmers" the shops might say " Neck gaiters" but a "ruff" is a good title, and on very cold windy mornings when I walked out, I pulled mine right up over. my nose and mouth.

  9. Spring's arrival in the city is a bit late this year. That hard frost at the first of the month did a number on lots of trees and shrubs. 😕

  10. Beautiful spring in the Rockies. We hope you can get to the desert soon.

  11. Such beautiful photos and we love the flying Hachi!

  12. Such great signs of spring. I have a very similar series of pictures of tree swallows. They are so funny when they argue.

  13. Those bird are great! Great air you were catching Hatchi!

  14. Love the signs of spring!
    Mabel & Hilda

  15. Those tree swallows are gorgeous, don't have any of them around here. And that last shot of Hachi mid-air...wow!


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