Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, June 26, 2020

A Hapless and Cute Yearling Bear Cub

It is rare that I get footage from a trail cam that makes me laugh out loud. This one is of Blackie, the yearling bear cub who is on her own this summer. Family breakup was about a month ago, and she seems to be doing wonderfully.

Since family breakup, it has become absolutely clear that the black cub is a female, and the brown cub is a male. That means that "Blackie" will be sticking around! She will probably adopt some part of her mother's territory. I have started calling her "May Belle". It's partly in homage to the first sow who I knew well (about a decade ago) who I named "Mabel". This cub is almost certainly related to Mabel.

So, May Belle checked out a mountain lion scent mark but she put her own twist on her visit to this spot. I hope that you enjoy this short bit of footage as much as I did.

I think that she was a little embarrassed when she saw the camera. She checked it out - perhaps thinking "Oh no, I hope that wasn't recorded. It's so embarrassing!".

Here she is checking out the camera.

Here's the video.


  1. we love love love the video... it reminds us of our dad who cut the branch off while sitting on it...LOL

  2. May Belle is quite the entertainer☺ Love the video!

  3. That is adorable! I must have been living under a rock for my life as I did not realize bears had such long tails! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. We did get a chuckle out of the little bear's mishap. It's funny when she lands that she looks around as if to see if anyone else saw her fall. BOL!

  5. Hilarious...he looks like a monkey. Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. That look when he fell said," I hope my friends didn't see that'!

  7. I really and truly did laugh out loud. It looks like she was looking around to make sure nobody saw what happened like she was embarrassed. I think it may be one of my most favorite funny videos! And also I'm laughing about easy dad cutting off the land he was sitting on

  8. She looked so startled, and looks like she is saying "check me out folks!!!, Did you see me " What a wonderful capture, is this a first to see a bear hanging that far out from a tree?

  9. Too funny...she's looking around after as if to say "No one saw that, right??" Fun!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  10. That certainly had the same impact on me - I laughed out loud so loudly that my husband wanted to see it too:)

  11. Ooops! I'm so glad you were able to get video of her, it does a heart good to know she's doing well.

  12. Thank you for giving me a smile where smiles are hard to come by

  13. Hee hee...you're right, it's laugh out loud fun for sure. Looking forward to being entertained by May Belle in the future.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. That clip is wonderful, made me smile and smile! Fun fun!
    I like her name.


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