Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

The yellow flowers are beaming and so is our Black Dog. When he and I head out into the flowers, he smiles.

I think that he's completely recovered from his big surgery. He's regained all the weight that he lost while he was sick (and then some). He loves his runs and hikes. And he loves his time in the flowers. He loves singing, although his voice is changing due to laryngeal paralysis. It's huskier now. He used to be a tenor and now he's a bass.
He sleeps deeply during his down time (which is about 23 hours per day) - and is ready to go whenever fun is in the air.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. I guess he enjoys the scent of the flowers.

  2. I love that he is doing so well, and I cannot help but smile when I see R's photos, and I know your heart is bursting (and then some) that you have these beautiful days to spend together!

  3. You look so handsome posing with the beautiful yellow flowers, R!

  4. It's great to see R so happy and we're glad to hear he is feeling so well too.

  5. R does look terrific and we love his happy smile!

  6. Smart dog! Glad he's doing so well.

  7. R I too smile when you are out and about in your field of yellow posies. You are so shiny and that is a million dollar smile
    Hugs cecilia

  8. The truly golden days when you and R are there together amid the flowers. He looks so happy there, and if resting for most of the day is his norm, I'm sure he makes up for that in the other one hour.

  9. Such a handsome boy, especially when highlighted with those cheerful yellow flowers.

  10. The utter beauty of a happy and content older dog. To be treasured.

  11. Your black dog looks happy. And that's what matters.

  12. I never thought of a dog 'singing' in tenor or bass!! :))
    At least he is still singing and enjoying life, thanks to the love and care he has received, Mxx

  13. Oh BLK Dog, You Handsome Sun of a Gun You - May You Find A Stack Of Treats On Your Nose Today - Sit, Sit, Wait, OK!!

    Big Hugs Team Human

  14. darling black dog. XOXO


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