Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Sights like this one make me ridiculously happy. A trail, green grass, flowers, and the mountains! This is why June is my favorite month of the year.

When we get into meadows, birds are fluttering around everywhere. I think that this one is a wren.

In those same meadows, the flowers are literally brilliant. These Shooting Stars will be finished soon so I'm trying to enjoy them while they last.

And then, there's my Shyla in the meadows. Both of us smile while she gallops through the flowers.
I am so filled with gratitude for the springtime world around me. The animals are endlessly intriguing at this time of year, which keeps me very busy. The birds are busy raising their young. And the flowers are singing!

Happy June! My gratitude for this world is endless.


  1. yes happy june!! we love your world!!!

  2. Oh yes, this post is overflowing with things to be grateful for. Thanks for sharing! I'm not familiar with the Shooting Stars - they are so pretty. Cheers, Gail.

  3. Your June feeling is what I feel in January and February here. Certain times of the year does make us happy and you're sites that you showed us today would make my heart sing for sure

  4. I simply adore your first photo - it made my heart sing :)

  5. June is most certainly a beautiful month! Love your Shooting Stars!

  6. What a beautiful world you live in. That's a great shot of the wren in flight. Shyla sure looks happy to be frolicking among the flowers.

  7. Spring is my favorite season too. The freshness and smell of the earth as it thaws, the new growth as it sprouts and the transition from the grays and browns of winter to green and the reward of the flowers beginning to bloom.

    Thanks for sharing your photos.

  8. You Make My Heart So Happy - Cant Thank You Enough - Big Hugs

    P.S. BLK Dog Would Love A Little Head Rub And Extra Treats From Uncle T

  9. That first photo needs to be hanging over a fireplace...gorgeous.
    And of course Shyla fills every room with happy
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Thanks for the Thursday smile! So much beauty in the world!!

  11. Once again, incredible photos of the world at 8000 ft.

  12. It's such a beautiful time of year!! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  13. That trail with the mountains is just magical and sweet Shyla is always magical. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. We are thankful to have a friend who appreciates her surrounding so much.

  15. Glad you are enjoying your favorite month. It is just too hot for us, or it is raining, so not really our time of year.


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