Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thankful Thursday - The Next Grand Adventure

The pandemic has accelerated change in so many aspects of life - including in the forest near our house. It is hard to find times of day when it's okay to have dogs off-leash because there are people everywhere on the land. Because I'm out early with Shyla and she's such a meek being, she has the best chance of off-leash time.

While nature itself hasn't changed here, the impact of humans on our world has escalated dramatically. Twenty years ago, this spot was paradise. We could wander out into the nearby meadow and peacefully hike without running into anyone except perhaps an elk. Road noise was minimal - we never noticed it on our dusty dirt road. People who chose to live here did so for quiet and nature.  So much has changed.

So, we had a talk back in May on our wedding anniversary, and we decided that we wanted to spend the rest of our marriage someplace quieter and closer to nature. Amazingly, we found the right place in an online listing the very next day - making me feel as if it was destiny. We are "under contract" for a large plot of land (and a house) about 40 minutes to the north of here - and I'm starting to believe that the purchase is actually going to close (it's taking forever!). It is a place where even Hachi can have off-leash time every single day.
I never thought that we would leave this spot that we've loved so much. A piece of me is very sad about it - and especially about the friends who will no longer live within walking distance. However, the place has changed around us (and against our will) while we've tried to ignore the noise and "crowds". Inertia isn't a good enough reason to stay. So we are embarking on our next grand adventure.

And, our new home will be close enough that I can continue to keep tabs on the animals who I know so well. That's very important to me.

I am thankful that we've found the courage to do this. Of course, the deal still has to close, and something could go wrong. But, no matter what, it's time for a new adventure.


  1. I can't believe with all the wildlife and everything that there's that many people there. I was shocked when you said you were going to move. I assume that where you're going there will still be Wildlife to watch and see. Just my Nest the people. When we go to the beach we always choose the one where no one goes we like the beaches that have no people. It's getting harder and harder but they're still one or two. I wish you good luck with your closing and your new home and a sale of your old home if you're going to sell it

    1. I do believe that there will be plenty of wildlife near the new place. There are far fewer houses and people -- plus "our" new land is considered by experts to be absolutely critical wildlife habitat. So much so that it has a "conservation easement" on it. That means that it can never be developed. I won't know exactly where to find the wildlife at first. It has taken me 20 years to learn every nook and cranny of our current wildlife habitat. It will be fun to learn about the wildlife in a new place. But it will take time. I am so glad that I can still come back to follow Tiny, Mohawk, May Belle, Brownie, and all those lions.

  2. Fingers Crossed - Bigger Bader Better Is Right Around The Corner For Your Tribe - Couldn't Be Happier - A New House To Explore For BLK Dog - Excitement Is Building - Onward And Upward - Well Done Team Human


  3. Hari OM
    What news!!! Of course it will be a wrench - but I have no doubt at all the benefit gained will soon wipe out any of the negatives. I am sending all good wishes for completion... and the learning of new spaces and the occupants to be found there, who in their will turn will be familiar 'furiends'!!! YAM xx

  4. How exciting for all of you! We will keep fingers and paws crossed that all will go as planned. Happy belated Anniversary!

  5. Bravo and that's really exciting, we get it. We're looking at moving to the mountains to get away from all the nuttiness of the city that has founds its way to our rural life. We look forward to photos soon.

  6. What exciting news! It sounds like a wonderful new location. Momma says that when she decided to take her new job, she found a new house almost immediately so she knew it was meant to be. We can't wait to see picture of your new place!

  7. First thing I thought about was your cameras, bears, mountain lions and so on. I'm glad you will still be able to access them. Since that worked out, this is so great. I only have one neighbor, who is wonderful, the rest of my 20 acres face the mountains to the east. No one there, but there are more people to the north and wild life is not like it was. Even the coyotes aren't coming by as much anymore.

  8. KB it is very wise of you and Runner to make this decision before you are as 'old as dirt' like we are. Of course up until 2011 I was still working and we needed to stay here. However, the writing was on the wall back then that were were in the midst of way too much growth and too many people. But we stayed. We are 3 hours from the coast and daughter and sil, 3 hours from our Southern mountains. So we have adjusted where we go and the time of day to avoid the crowds. I send you lots of good wishes for a successful closing and move and say BRAVO
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Congratulations! I'm positive that the purchase will proceed. It will be wonderful for the pups and for you as well. I'm looking forward to the photos of the new surroundings.

  10. Best of luck with your new adventure. What fun you will have looking for new places for trail cams etc. And of course, any place where the dogs can have more off-leash time has to be good.
    Paws and fingers crossed that the deal goes through.
    Cheers, Gail.

  11. Same with us. The world has gotten too crazy and loud for our taste. So we too are looking for more land and quiet and seclusion. We need something not near federal or state land as our dogs are afraid of gunfire. But I want to enjoy nature and the quiet, not listen to the loud people who have no respect for the land and the animals.

  12. I do hope your purchase goes through. It will be a great adventure (even though it is always a wrench leaving a place you love) and sounds like a lovely peaceful spot to live.

  13. Sounds exciting! Wishing you the best on the purchase and move. I hope it will be everything you and your family needs. Best wishes!

  14. When the crowds some and it's not what you want then it's time to leave. I get it even though it's sad. I'm sure you thought you'd found your last home when you found the one you're living in. The constant in life is change.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  15. This is a huge change, but one for the very best for you all. I so understand the need and necessity to be somewhere safer, years ago when Hugh and I were camping in a fairly remote area with the caravan, one other camper arrived. I went to explain we had a generator, and hoped it would not disturb them. Not a problem, the man replied. We are having a motor home rally and there will be 40 or so vans here later. I walked back to give Hugh the news...WELL, he was devastated and wanted to pack up and move off somewhere else, but we had already driven many hours that day. I am sure this will be a new dream, and for Hachi, R and Shyla, safety, new places to explore. for you a new home to settle into and for Runner, the knowledge this is a good decision., Heaps of love as you wait that final piece of paper.

  16. I wish you all the best on your new adventure. Luckily I have 7 acres of land - mostly wooded - and it is rather quiet. All my neighbors have a few acres and we see each other occasionally. When I first moved here, it was mostly farmland - now it is mostly developments - so sad. I envy you - in a good way - that you can live somewhat isolated. I can't wait to see pictures of your new area. This is exciting!

  17. That's big news, and understandable. I'm thrilled to hear you plan to continue documenting the wildlife you've followed over the years, and look forward to photography of the views from your new place.

  18. How very exciting!!! We have always loved what we get to see of your beautiful home - we understand how hard it will be to leave. But it sounds like the new place is going to be even better, especially since you are making this move totally voluntarily and for some great reasons. We hope all goes very smoothly.

  19. That is so exciting! We will keep all fingers and paws crossed for you here that it all goes through. Buying our acreage with our own woods and places to walk has been the best thing we ever did. The process can be scary and stressful, but it totally ends up being worth it! ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  20. I wanted to say what everyone else said, so please know I am thinking about you and wishing you all the best.

  21. What a wonderful new adventure. Paws crossed all goes smoothly with the closing!

  22. Bob and I have had "the talk" too, but at our age, we're not sure the middle of nowhere is where we can move. In the past 10 years, with all the short term rentals in our neighborhood, quality of life has changed for sure. We have to leave the house early and stick to little-known trails if we don't want to meet hordes of tourists coming up the Burro Trail. Any trail written up in a guide book is off-limits,of course. We don't even go into town anymore - too crowded. I hope your land purchase goes through, and you have many happy years learning new habitats for wildlife.

  23. This is such marvelous, exciting news. I am thrilled for you all. I hope this deal goes through - real estate purchases can be like a slow-motion high-wire act. But even if this particular deal comes apart for some reason, you are now in the mindset to get to a new place where you want to be, so hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later. Gosh, I am just so happy for you!!

  24. I totally understand what you're saying. We're faced with similar circumstances here as well. I even looked at property while in Tennessee. I'd found a parcel of property that looked perfect, but the adjoining property was not anything I could live next to. But how wonderful for you and I'll hope that your dreams come true and the closing comes quickly and easily!! Paws and fingers crossed!!

  25. How exciting! Moving for many is a hard thing. Mom has moved so many times including across the Atlantic twice, so she is used to it, but we dogs have only lived here. Starting new will be wonderful and if the right place popped up right as you started to look it is destiny. Mom is a realtor, although she doesn't actually sell homes but does the paperwork end. She says no deal is done until the ink is dry, but as long as your financing is in place it will all work out. Congratulations to you and your family!

  26. Congrats on your big move and our paws are crossed that all goes well with the closing. We're glad to hear you will still be able to maintain your cameras as we would miss seeing all those familiar faces. It will also be exciting who you find new to keep track of in your new location.

  27. What every exciting news! While I'm sorry your world as you used to know it is no longer the paradise you sought, I wish you all the bet in the new space. So jealous of your courage to make the change. I've been mulling over the same dilemma lately since life in the city continues to be more than my soul is interested in surviving. 💙

  28. KB this post gave me chills - clearly you and the runner need your quiet space. I never understood that need until the pandemic hit. Being couped up every day, spending 24x7 with my husband David was one of the biggest challenges ever! We really love each other but it made me realize how much I need quiet time and space away from everything. I cannot wait to see where this new adventure takes you all. Indy and I are sending all the good vibes that the closing happens soon!!

    Diane and Indy Bones

  29. So this is the exciting news you've had under the radar for a while. Wow!! Fingers crossed that the last bits of paperwork go smoothly!

    As several have said, it's sad that you feel enough people pressure to move, but the prospective location sounds pretty wonderful. Wildlife corridor with conservation easement - wow again!

    Cheers!!! -
    Chris from Boise

  30. Wowsa! That is exciting news!!! I am glads you found some nirvana not too far away, so you can keep update on all your animals! I would loves to have the know-how to lives way out where there isn't a grocery store within a few blocks. ☺ Keepin' all my paws crossed everything goes smoothly, and all your dreams come true!
    Ruby ♥


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