Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi is doing wonderfully well.
He seems lighthearted and happy. For the past couple of weeks, he wags his whole body when one of us comes into sight after being gone. His wiggling gets out of control when we start petting him.

Hachi gives us both the feeling that he's more content than ever before.

We went for a short camping trip fairly close to home last week. Hachi seemed more stressed out during that trip than when we're at home. He got some bug bites on his abdomen that we tried to look at. Nope - that was not okay with Hachi. He growled to prevent it. I can handle small incidents like that one now that I understand that he's reacting to the stress of the situation. In that case, the main trigger was that we were camping in a new place.

When we got home, he relaxed back into the content and happy dog who we love more every single day. His big sister loves him too. They adore playing.
As I wrote this, Hachi charged over to request pats and play. I am starting to think that love is winning over Hachi's soul.


  1. that sounds great... we hope LOVE wil win... it is mighty ;O)

  2. A light-hearted Hachi. That is just the best news. Did you manage to look at the bug bites when you got home?

    1. Yes, we could easily look at those bites (which were healing nicely) when we were home. The poor dog has been so much in his life that something as simple as an excursion away from home makes him very anxious - which in turn makes him get upset about things that are now fine when we're at home. He's come a long way in that he lets us do things like look at bug bites when we're home - which is another sign of nice progress!

  3. This is fabulous news! So glad he is making so much progress and I know that you're happier when he's happier. They're so beautiful running together

  4. We really do love seeing a happy Hachi!

  5. What beautiful photos of you and Shyla, Hachi. We love reading positive news!

  6. Awesome! Seeing the photos of Hachi and Shyla playing make me smile.

  7. Hachi...bless you heart. Bugs like me too...so I understand your itching and aggravation.
    I'm glad they are healing and I love seeing you and Shyla galloping
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Proof of the saying, "Love conquers all."

  9. Such wonderful progress he has made. It makes all the hard work really worth it.

  10. More great progress with Hachi. Totally understandable about the stress away from home. Kudos on all you are doing and accomplishing with him.

  11. We're so glad to hear Hachi continues to improve and you understand why he is upset when he gets upset.

  12. Awww, love can win over one for sure. You're pups are adorable and Hachi loves the camera and the camera loves him.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. How wonderful to see Hachi giving in to love!!

  14. Oh Hachi, you are such a sweetie my furiend! Hey, I don't likes nobody touchin' me without my permission eithers! I growl at Ma when she tries to dry me off from the water torture! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  15. He's so handsome, and looks so happy when he's in a comfortable place. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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