Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Whenever we can, we let Hachi and Shyla play together. They seize each day that they have a chance to play.
One evening when they played in a grassy meadow, Hachi started sneezing violently, one sneeze after another. My heart fell because I thought that it was a foxtail up his nose. That's a serious matter that can require a rapid visit to the vet.

As he continued sneezing, my mind started racing ahead. We'd have to take him to the emergency vet, muzzle him, and then he'd have to go into the hospital by himself (due to Covid precautions). My mind then visualized how terribly the vet visit would affect him especially without us being by his side. The emotional trauma would probably set us back months in his behavioral rehab. I then started fervently sending up requests to the heavens that he'd sneeze out the foxtail without needing to go to the vet.

As he kept on sneezing, I started wondering if there are things that can be done to help a dog like Hachi not be so completely terrified by a vet visit and then suffer for months afterwards. A few days later, when we talked with our behavioral vet, she said that yes, there's a protocol for pups as fearful as Hachi. It involves immediate complete sedation with specific amnesiac drugs before they even examine him at the vet hospital. She said that she'd write us a letter to take with us on an emergency visit to the vet to increase the chances that the ER vet would actually do it.

I was glad that there is a protocol for a dog like Hachi. I was a little surprised that I had to ask for instructions (rather than them being offered a long time ago when the degree of his fear became obvious). Regardless, I'm glad that there's an option.

On that evening walk, Hachi sneezed out whatever was in his nose so it didn't end with a fast trip to the vet. Instead, he got to play some more with Shyla. Phew - that was a close call.
I know that someday, he'll need a visit to the ER vet, and I'm glad that we'll be a little bit more prepared so that he doesn't have repercussions for months afterwards.

We love our Hachi, fearfulness and all.


  1. Phew indeed. The photos of Hachi and Shyla playing together are quite heartwarming.

  2. That's a powerful piece of information. I too am surprised this hadn't already been mentioned to you, but I'm glad you asked about it before there was a need. And I'm very glad there was no need! Good sneezing job, Hachi!

  3. Hari OM
    Preparation is everything in my book! YAM xx

  4. Thank goodness, your sneezed it out, Hachi! We love seeing you and Shyla playing so happily together.

  5. You have brought back memories of Jake and I am glad that we do not have him now with this virus going on because I don't think there is any way on this Earth that they could take him in without Bob. I couldn't even take him in. So glad they came up with a way that you can feel peace if you have to go to the emergency vet. I've heard of bicycles Built for Two but you your pets have a stick Built for Two! Love that photo and so happy you didn't have to go to the vet

  6. Good news on the sneezing. We know about those foxtails. Awful experience.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. The only thing I would be leary about is the amnesiac drugs. In people they cause side effects lingering long after they are given: my husband works in the hospital with this stuff. Remember your dad and the issues you had when he had surgery and the lingering effects (same type of thing according to my husband).

  8. Thank goodness for the repeated sneezes clearing out Hachi's nose.
    Yep it does seem like the requested info would be given up front but sometimes human docs are the same..
    you'll have an issue mention it to the doc and they say Oh yest I've heard of that....I am a believer in proactive not reactive.
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. It's not uncommon for an emergency vet trip might need sedation anyhow. So having this request and for what kind is helful even then. So glad you asked, since the info wasn't offered. And may you never need it!

  10. It is so wonderful to see these fun photos of them both playing. We are amazed to see how big Hachi is gotten over the time we been visiting you blog. Thanks for sharing this fun post. Have a beautiful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  11. Love that first image! They clearly enjoy playing with that single branch.

  12. So happy your prayers were answered and the sneezing worked :)

  13. Glad he was able to sneeze out what bothered him. Love the way he and Shyla play!

  14. We're really glad no Vet visits were involved too, they both were sure having fun.

  15. It's good to hear no emergency vet visit was needed and that you will be prepared in the event one is needed some day. We're lucky that we don't have foxtails around us.

  16. Well, thank goodness he managed to sneeze whatever it was out of his nose. We are glad you have an option for emergency treatment and we hope you never have to use it:)

  17. I am glad the story had a happy ending and we hope the vet trips will be easier from now on.

  18. It's hard enough for any dog to go to the vet and be taken from their person. It is so crazy and unfair, but people have to go alone too. Hopefully Hatchi won't have to go to the ER vet or any vet for a very long time.

  19. Of course I've had those moments as well when my mind went racing - And like you, I'm always grateful that it was "for nothing." But I love how proactive you are in thinking ahead when it does become an emergency - Like everyone and you too, I hope your plan will never have to be used.

  20. Thank goodness you didn't have to go through all that, not this time anyway (hopefully never!). I'm glad you now have a plan.
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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