Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog arrived in our lives just before Christmas of 2007. He was flown to us in a climate-controlled hold in a jet. It wasn't a long flight but he was only 8 weeks old. 

It was a bone-chilling day in Colorado. We drove into a windswept parking lot near the hangar where we were told to meet R. The attendant told us that he had not deplaned yet. We didn't totally believe her so we scanned the crates that were on a rack nearby. A little black nose and big brown eyes peered back at us. It was HIM!!!!! 

We tried to contain our excitement while we signed the forms to take him. The attendant worked SO slowly. Sign this, sign that... and then a high pitched bark emanated from puppy R's crate. Maybe he knew that we were his people?

When we finally could go to him, we opened the crate and scooped him up. He was so cute, cute beyond words, but he had peed and pooped in his crate. It was all over his fur. He smelled horrendous but we still wanted to pet him and snuggle him. However, a little puppy being wet in the wicked wind chill outside was not good. 

So, after we'd both met him, I put the stinky little guy inside my winter jacket to walk to the car. The Runner drove, and I sat with eight pound R inside my jacket all the way home. His nose was outside the jacket, and he kissed my chin whenever he had a chance. 

When we arrived home, he had a bath and a nap. Then, he met his big sister, Angel K.

They loved each other almost right away.

Thus, our love affair with our Black Dog began. We'd go on to have almost 13 years with that wonderful little puppy. Despite the heartbreak of the end, we would do it all over again. The love of those 13 years by far outweighed the final heartbreak. His gentleness, fun-loving spirit, and love made him such a special dog.


As an aside, I will probably be offline for a couple of days. I will be back.


  1. We love and we share huge loss, but without the love for a puppy or a kitten, our lives would lose so much happiness.The grief, the hole so huge, when one of our cats just vanished, I never found her or even a body, I cried every day for many months. R will be with you in your new home, and R and Angel K will be sharing memories, looking down and knowing how much they were so loved. What a greeting you had at the airport, smells and all,

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely post about how your life with R began. Imagine, only eight weeks old and already travelling by air!

  3. so precios, both the story and Angel K with the precios little R.. hugs to all of you

  4. Hari OM
    Oh, we are going to enjoy this, for most of us here did not know R from these early days - thank you so much for sharing his arrival and looking forward to more! YAM xx

  5. You had the most perfect family right from the very start, R♥

  6. What An Adorable Little BLK Dog - I Knew You Would Pull Out Some Gems - Been Looking Forward To It - Of Course You Have An Amazing Story From The Start As He Was Such A Wonderful Dog - I Do Appreciate You Carrying On The BLK DOG SUNDAY Editions - Be Well During The Off-Line Time Frame - Stay Strong During This Upcoming Transition - And Thanx Again For Living The Tradition Of Excellence

    Go Team Human

  7. KB what a beautiful story of R's arrival and the beautiful photo with Angel K. R giving her a wee raspberry made me smile.
    Stay safe there in CO...hugs all around

  8. We never knew the beginning of Angel R's story. That picture of him with Angel K is so precious.

  9. We sure enjoyed seeing that wee little R, so, so sweet.

  10. Now this is a story we had not heard. So it is clear that R was bonded with you from the very beginning - truly love at first sight!!! What a little doll he was!!!

  11. Awww...who wouldn't love that face. You have such wonderful memories, thanks for sharing them with us.

  12. I couldn't ask for a better beginning from you. yes! thank you! xoxo

  13. Oh, I totally enjoyed this story of how R came to your family. He was simply adorable, and no wonder he grew up to be so handsome. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. Little R reminds me of our little Silver. So adorable! So taken care of up to the end.
    We love you R!

  15. Thank you for sharing your"beginnings."

  16. I love the story of how it all began! Knowing that he and your beautiful Angel K have been reunited, I hope, brings you comfort.

  17. This is a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

  18. Look at him as a little dog. Keep the stories about him coming. They are great.

  19. when i cried over you using your black boy, little did i know that we would lose our grey boy exactly a week later. it is so very sad, but i hope they are playing and running in the great universe.

    1. Oh Marian - I am so so sorry. It is not a path that I wish on anyone else. I hope that our two boys are running together in paradise.

  20. What a cute bundle of joy. Don't work too hard on your hiatus. Moving can be challenging but doubt will all be worth it once you get settled. Stay well.

  21. Thank you for sharing these memories with us!

  22. ❤️ with great love there is great loss. I am so glad you had those 13 years!

  23. I love the picture, his little tongue sticking out as he looks a little hesitantly at his big sister. Thank you for sharing his young life with us. I'm looking forward to more, even if it will make me tear up each and every time.


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