Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Mama moose takes her calf to a quicksand-like wallow

Back at our old place, a mama moose is raising a calf. The two of them have roamed far and wide and have visited a deep wallow on a few occasions.

I found this wallow about a year ago, and I thought that both moose and bear would soak in the mud. So far, I've been wrong. The mud is created by a spring that bubbles up, and moose sink at least a foot into the mud. It looks scary.

I have a friend who stepped into mud like this, and he broke his leg while spending many hours extricating himself from the mud. 

The moose can pull their legs out and regularly visit to eat the greens in the area and drink the water. But they don't lie in it like they do with other wallows. I think that it might swallow them whole!

This is the first of several visits to the wallow by the calf and his mom. You'll see that the calf gets a bit upset after stepping in the mud for the first time. It's a short video of them.


  1. I totally love their heads... this long noses...

  2. That's pretty darn amazing, I wouldn't like to be in that stuff!

  3. It sure looks scary to step in that spot. We could see the momma moose's legs just kept sinking deeper.

  4. We loved the beginning of the video where we can hear the mom sucking/lapping up water.

  5. Aw, so precious. That calf is most adorable.

    You live in a magical place. Lucky you.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. really scary for man or beast and wow on the broken legg. quicksand has always been one of my MANY fears

  7. Mud can be pretty scary, I remember getting stuck in it as a child!
    Love how curious the baby is!

  8. I cannot imagine the feeling of not being about to get out.......the struggle out and a broken leg..
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Wow, I would be terrified if I were ever to get stuck in the mud. I'm glad your friend was able to get free.
    The moose are incredible animals, I can imagine the youngster would be quite nervous though his mother doesn't seem to be fazed.

  10. That is a very scary thought being swallowed up in a mud hole. That is not something we would have ever even thought about. Moose are great animals.


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